

单词 afterbirth
释义 af·ter·birth 英ˈæftəˌbɜːθ美ˈæftɚˌbɝθAHDăfʹtər-bûrth' 高COCA⁷¹⁹⁵³BNC⁵⁷⁴⁹¹iWeb⁴⁴³¹²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled from the uterus after the baby is bornretained afterbirth胎衣不下,胎衣滞留…retention of afterbirth胎衣不下,胎衣滞留…
蒋争熟词记忆after在…之后birth出生→“在小孩出生之后被排出母体之物”⇒胎盘;胞衣;胎膜after后-birth⇒n.衣胞³³;胎胞⁶⁷n.胎膜;胎盘及羊膜;医胞衣;遗腹子的生产;胎盘胎膜as in.bag of waters
同义词 amnion,arachnoid membrane,placenta,water bag
bag of watersnoun amniotic sac
afterbirths,amnions,arachnoid membranes,placentas,water bags Retention of the afterbirth of the cow is the common disease to seriously affect the economy mileage.
奶牛的胎衣不下,是严重影响奶牛经济效益的常见病。 dictall

Can not arrange to rent the building unit a personnel accommodation not, forbid an offshore personnel include HongKong- Macau the set afterbirth to live.
不得安排非租房单位人员住宿,禁止境外人员包括港澳台胞居住。 studyget

In those500 lives, there was only one day when he got enough to eat, and that was a meal of afterbirth dropped by a deer in the forest!
在那五百次轮回中,只有一天他能吃饱饭,那是他在森林里吃掉了一只鹿丢弃的胎盘! blog.sina.com.cn

it may seem odd, but conservative Hindus despise the woman who delivers their babies, because she comes into contact with the afterbirth.
这可能看上去很奇怪,但是守旧的印度教徒轻视替他们接生的女人,只因她与胎衣有接触。 ecocn

Much afterbirth embryo bears, every give birth to a baby more, increase maternity leave15 days;
多胞胎生育的,每多生一个婴儿,增加产假15天; iciba

Of the assessed clinicalrisks, only having an Apgar score above7 at five minutes afterbirth was significantly higher in the group with continuousSSRI exposure than in the other groups.
在评估的临床危险中,只有阿普加得分在出生后5分钟高于7分,持续 SSRI暴露组显著的高于其他组。 yeeyan

The last stage of the birth process involves the delivery of the placenta, which is now called the afterbirth.
分娩的最后一个阶段是胎盘的出来。 yeeyan

The result shows: the carbon nanotube homogeneous inlaid the brilliant afterbirth of Ni- P.
结果表明:纳米碳管已均匀镶嵌在镍磷晶胞上。 cnki

Wait for natural ingredient as a result of physiology, the meeting in reality has2 afterbirth embryo, appear to the circumstance of much afterbirth embryo therefore.
由于生理等自然因素,现实中会有二胞胎,乃至多胞胎的情况出现。 iciba




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