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词汇 Cow
释义 Cow. kaʊ
In a typical example, a woman borrows money to buy a cow and then repays the loan from the profits she makes on selling its milk.
我们可以举一个非常典型的例子,一个妇女可以借钱购买一头奶牛,然后通过出售牛奶获得的利润归还借款。 topsage

Was the Kingdom of David and Solomon a glorious empire— or just a little cow town?
大卫和所罗门的王国究竟是一个光荣的帝国——抑或只是一个小小的牛镇? yeeyan

What do you get when you cross a cow with a buffalo?
当你将一只奶牛和一只非洲水牛杂交时你得到了什么? yeeyan

“ Was it a large red cow with a brown spot over the right eye?” asked the farmer.
“是不是个头很大、右眼上方有一个棕色的点的红色大奶牛?”农夫问。 cri

A vet dispatched the injured cow.

A newspaper journalist once called me a“ cow” in print.
一个新闻记者曾经在文章中称我为“母牛”。 yeeyan

A cow, a goat and six chickens.
一头奶牛、一头山羊和六只鸡。 ebigear

After about a year and a half of Bob's cow crapping in Bill's yard; being ignored all the while, a semi pulls up in front of Bill's house.
之后大约一年半的时间,鲍勃的奶牛一直在比尔的院子里拉屎;比尔还是不在意;后来鲍勃的房子前面停了一辆大挂车。 yeeyan

Also in the jumble: goat, cow, and horse remains— perhaps sacrificial offerings for the dead, though their purpose remains a mystery.
另外,羊、牛、马的残尸也混杂在一起——这些可能是给死者的祭祀品,而他们的目的仍是个谜。 yeeyan

Both governments denied knowledge of a ban, but the story itself was enough to spark fears that China was using its economic clout to cow its neighbors.
双方政府都否定了出口禁令的说法,但是这个中国再利用经济手段威胁其邻居的事实却足以引起日本的恐慌。 yeeyan

I do wish I had some animals. Perhaps a cow for milk and some chickens for eggs.
我真希望我能拥有一些动物,也许是一头能挤奶的母牛和几只能下蛋的鸡。 ebigear

If anything is a sacred cow or triceratops in the office, it’s the desktop computer.
如果办公室里有圣牛或三角恐龙,那么它就是台式电脑。 yeeyan

If it is your own cow, you know how best to milk it.
如果你自己有一头奶牛,你就知道怎么饲养才算是最好。 voanews

Jack knew that his mother would be very angry if he sold the cow for beans.
杰克知道如果他用牛来换豆子的话,他的妈妈会非常生气的。 kekenet

Not all butter that the cow yields.

Other Vietnamese scientists contacted by Nature were most angered by instances of what they consider to be gratuitous uses of the cow- tongue map.
《自然》杂志联系的其他越南科学家对这种他们认为是故意使用的“牛舌头”地图感到非常愤怒。 yeeyan

Our cow is carrying again.

Politicians have duly proposed ways to rein in press groups with the power to cow those paid to watch over them.
于是政治家们适时提出相关方案,阻止有权势的报刊团体去恐吓那些带薪监查他们的人。 ecocn

She did not know that Clare had followed her round, and that he sat under his cow watching her.
她不知道克莱尔随后也来到了她的附近,也不知道他正坐在奶牛下面观察她。 ebigear

The Lascaux caves, in the Dordogne region of France, may have the answer. There you can see a painting of a red cow with a black head high on one of the walls.
法国多尔多涅河地区的拉斯科洞穴中也许就有这些问题的答案:在那里的一面墙壁上,你能看到一头红色的母牛,它黑色的牛头高高扬起。 yeeyan

The cow cast a calf.

The cow is expected to calve next week.

The cow milks well.
这头母牛出奶率高。 ebigear

Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.
原来他们仅有的一头奶牛死在田里了,那头牛产的奶是他们仅有的收入。 yeeyan

They blame me and have told me not to allow him to suckle from the cow anymore.
他们指责我,并对我说,不许再让小孩吃母牛的奶水了。 huanqiu

This technique, known as anamorphosis, is highly advanced, and suggests the painter was considering his audience as he painted the cow.
这就是现在所说的失真变形,它是一种高级技巧,也显示出画家在画母牛时考虑到了他的观众。 yeeyan

This cow will eventually be part of their range.
这牛最终也将在他们的屠杀范围之内。 yeeyan

Why buy the cow when you can get the beef for free?
如果你可以免费得到牛肉为什么要去买一头牛呢? yeeyan

Cow gives her sweet milk to drink.
奶牛让她喝自己鲜甜的牛奶。 hjenglish




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