释义 |
covariances 基本例句 协方差 Results show that 27 or 20 principal components can extract the dominating features of FRF, and the correspondingcovariancesof the reconstruction error are 0.0097 and 0.0134 respectively.误差分析结果表明,采用27或20个主元能提取润扬悬索桥的主要动力特征,重构误差的均方值分别为0.;0097和0 While defined in terms of variances andcovariances, PCA is usually applied to standardized data since the results are sensitive to the often arbitrary choices of units of measurement used in a study.就定义差异变量和协方差而言,PCA分析前通常要先标准化处理数据,因为,PCA对任意选择研究中的计量单元是敏感的。以下批处理文件; COMPUTATION AND VERIFICATION OF MEANS, VARIANCES AND COVARIANCES FOR LARGE SAMPLE ORDER STATISTICS大样本顺序统计量均值、方差和协方差计算与验证 Consecutively updated MPCA with variable-wise unfolding and time-varyingcovarianceswith application to fault monitoring of batch process基于变量展开和时变协方差的连续更新的MPCA及其在批过程故障监测中的应用 multiplecovariancesanalysis多元协方差分析 |