

单词 covalent bond
释义 covalent bond kɔʊˌveɪ.ləntˈbɑːnd S短语⁴⁰⁸¹⁹

a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule用作名词In covalent bonding, atoms share electrons.在共价键联中,原子共有电子。
Crystals may be classified as either ionic or covalent by analogy with molecules.与分子的情况一样,晶体也可以分为离子键型和共价键型。 A covalent bond formed by a shared pair of electrons see bond.
共享一对电子,形成的共价键见键。 yeebang.com

The ability of an atom to attract electrons, and in particular, in a covalent bond.

The UV absorption spectrum shows that the interaction between gossypol and DNA does not result in the formation of a covalent bond or a charge transfer complex.
紫外吸收光谱显示棉酚与 DNA相互作用没有共价键形成。也不生成电荷迁移络台物。 cnki

A pair of electrons shared between two atoms in a covalent bond.
在共价键中被两个原子所共有的一对电子。 yeebang.com

So, that's his gift to us: the Lewis structure, and the idea that you could share electrons and form a covalent bond.
这就 Lewis给我们的礼物, Lewis结构,你能够通过公用电子,形成共价键。163

The valence electron structures and covalent bond energy have been calculated for cobalt high speed steel.
计算了含钴高速钢的价电子结构与共价键能。 cnki

What's the definition of the covalent bond?

When dyeing,3- carboxyl pyridine group disconnects froms-triazine, and the cellulosic carboxylic group reacts withs-triazine rapidly to form a covalent bond, thus effects the colour fixation.
染色时,3-羧酸基吡啶脱落,而与纤维素羟基迅速反应形成共价键,由此完成固色过程。 cnki




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