

单词 courthouse
释义 court·house 英ˈkɔːtˌhaʊs, ˈkəʊrt-美ˈkɔrtˌhaʊs, ˈkort-AHDkôrtʹhous', kōrtʹ- ★☆☆☆☆高TCOCA⁸³³²BNC³⁶³³⁸iWeb⁹⁷⁹⁰Economist¹⁵⁴³⁴
a government building that houses the offices of a county governmenta building that houses judicial courtscourt-house⇒n.法院大楼近义词 court法院law court法院court of law法院High Court高级法院Supreme Court最高法院federal court联邦政府法院…Crown Court英国刑事法庭; 英国…

用作名词All the village flocked to thecourthousethe next morning.第二天早上全镇的人都蜂拥到法院去。
The Republicans had to come to thecourthouseto register to vote.共和党人需要到法院大楼登记才能参加选举投票。as in.court
同义词 bench,courtroom,tribunalbarcity hall,county courthouse,federal building,hall of justice,justice building,law court,municipal buildingas in.town hall
同义词 city center,town housecity government,municipal building,municipal center,municipal government,town government
courtnoun building for legal proceedings
bar,bench,city hall,county courthouse,courtroom,federal building,hall of justice,justice building,law court,municipal building,tribunal
town hallnoun city hall
city center,city government,courthouse,municipal building,municipal center,municipal government,town government,town house As crowds of opposition supporters, mostly from Ms Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party PPP, marched towards the courthouse, they were fired on with automatic weapons from rooftops and road- blocks.
布托女士的巴基斯坦人民党 PPP的支持者在向法院的游行的途中,遭到了藏在屋顶和躲在路障后的自动武器的攻击。 ecocn

Even while judges mourned their dead colleagues at a funeral home, Zhu supporters gathered outside the courthouse with a wreath in his honor.
当地法官在家乡举办了对死者的葬礼,朱军的支持者聚集在法院的大门口敬献花圈。 yeeyan

On any morning, you can stand on the steps of the Secondary Courthouse in downtown Kabul and listen to the Afghans as they step outside.
随便选个上午,你站在喀布尔闹市区次级法院台阶上,就可以与从里面出来的阿富汗人对话。 yeeyan

The courthouse, made famous by the book, is now a museum.
因这部小说而出名的法院如今成了一座博物馆。 hjenglish

“ I won’t do it, ” Mr. Farani said outside the courthouse.
“我绝不会那样做”,法拉尼先生在法院门外说到。 yeeyan

And the bulk of the public record is no longer to be found in library stacks, dusty courthouse files, and microfilm rolls.
现在大部分的公众记录再也不会出现在藏书堆中,铺满灰尘的法院文件以及微型电影卷轴里了。 yeeyan

But he also finds other vantage points from which to gaze at the heaving muck of New York, most memorably Manhattan’s municipal courthouse.
但是他也找到了其他有利位置,可以凝视纽约的黑暗面,最印象深刻的是曼哈顿的市政法院。 yeeyan

But we should be grateful to this Carmarthen courthouse campaign.
但我们应当对喀麦登法院的这一活动心存感激。 yeeyan

Dozens of supporters gathered outside the Shanghai courthouse during the latest hearing.
在最后一次审判中,许多支持者聚集在上海法院的门外。 ecocn

He had an office across the street from the courthouse in White Plains.
她爸的办公室就在怀特普莱恩斯法院对面的那条街上。 yeeyan

He was accompanied by a small crowd of supporters that pelted the defendants and their lawyers with eggs and bottles outside the courthouse.
一小撮支持者簇拥着他,并在法院外不断向被告及他们的辩护律师投掷鸡蛋和瓶子。 ecocn

On Monday morning, the horde of people besieged the superior courthouse.
周一上午,一大堆人将高级法院挤了个水泄不通。 ebigear

Testosterone is desirable in the boardroom, in the courthouse, and in other scenarios that reward risk and bold action.
睾丸激素在会议室、法院以及其他充满风险的需要冒险精神的行业中是非常需要的。 yeeyan

The Republicans had to come to the courthouse to register to vote.
共和党人需要到法院大楼登记才能参加选举投票。 yeeyan

Two New Zealand prisoners had the brilliant idea of fleeing the courthouse while tethered together by handcuffs.
两个被手铐拴在一起的新西兰囚犯想了个聪明的法子逃离法院。 yeeyan

Video from outside the courthouse showed Fox being wheeled out in a stretcher and into an ambulance.
法院外边的大屏幕显示福克斯警官躺在医护担架上,后进入了救护车。 yeeyan




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