释义 |
Count Tolstoy 基本例句 托尔斯泰伯爵 At six o'clock in the evening Kutuzov visited the headquarters of the Emperors, and after a brief interview with the Tsar, went in to see the Ober-HofmarschallCount Tolstoy.下午五点多钟,库图佐夫到了皇帝大本营,在国王那里待了不多久,便到宫廷事务大臣托尔斯泰伯爵那里去了。 Kutuzov looked sternly at his adjutant, and after a pause, answered: “I think the battle will be lost, and I said so toCount Tolstoyand asked him to give that message to the Tsar.库图佐夫严肃地望望他的副官,沉默了片刻,答道:“我想这一场战斗是输定了,我对托尔斯泰伯爵也是这样说的,并且请他把这句话转告国王。 |