

单词 country doctors
释义 country doctors
Dan had once farmed in Indiana, where my father was a country doctor.丹原先在印第安纳州务农,我的父亲曾在那里当乡村医生。
Berlioz was born in 1803, son of a country doctor, and with no musical background.柏辽兹出生于1803年,父亲是一个乡村医生,自幼并未受到过音乐方面的熏陶。
Berlioz was born in 1803,son of a country doctor,and with no musical background.柏辽兹出生于1803年,父亲是一个乡村医生,自幼并未受到过音乐方面的熏陶。
In order to improve medical ethics among them,we should intensify education in medical ethics among junior medical college students andcountry doctors.加强医学高职高专学生的医德教育,加强乡村医生培训中的医德教育及机制建设,是新形势下农村卫生人才医德建设的路径选择。
An expert in rural medicine,Mr.Napier wanted to show students considering medical careers the good in the “long hours,less money and spending more time with patients” that comes with being a country doctor.作为一位研究乡村医学的专家,内皮尔先生想要向那些考虑从事医疗事业的学生们展示,伴随着当一名乡村医生“工作时间长,挣钱少,与患者相处的时间比普通医生要长”而来的好处。




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