counterspellCOCA²¹²⁵³¹iWeb⁵²⁶⁵⁰ 基本例句 🌏法术反制;法术抑制;反制法术 If you have a Counterspell instead, then you can just sit on it and counter whatever they play instead! 但是如果你有一个反击在手,你就可以稳当当地坐着等你的对手出东西了。 cocsn Improved Counterspell now is a Tier 1 talent. Down from Tier3. 强化法术反制由三阶天赋降为一阶天赋。 wownei Counterspell now costs9% of base mana. 反制消耗9%的基础法力值; blzchina Counterspell no longer generates a high amount of threat. 法术反制不再造成较高的威胁值。 ngacn