

单词 counterculture
释义 coun·ter·cul·ture 英ˈkaʊntəˌkʌltʃə美ˈkaʊntɚˌkʌltʃɚAHDkounʹtər-kŭl'chər 高COCA³⁰⁴¹¹BNC⁶³²⁹⁸iWeb²⁶⁷³³
a culture with lifestyles and values opposed to those of the established culturecounter-, 相反。culture,文化。ounter-P.反对|相反-culture⇒n.反文化60和70年代在美国青少年中盛行的一种思潮
A young person, especially a member of a rebelliouscounterculturegroup.叛逆的年轻人尤指加入反叛性的反文化组织的年轻人
An eccentric or nonconformist person, especially a member of acounterculture.离经叛道之人反常或不符合常规之人,尤指反主流文化的成员 In a country that sometimes seems obsessed with making and selling things, Little Donkey Farm is a tiny island of Chinese counterculture.
有时候生产和销售粮食蔬菜也困绕着农场,小毛驴市民农园是中国新型农业文化的一个缩影。 yeeyan

It proved that they were not some negligible minority but members of a larger culture— or, to use that sweetly dated term, a counterculture.
伍德斯托克证明了他们不是不起眼的一小撮,而是大文化的一员。或者,用过去那种有意思的说法说,是反文化。 yeeyan

Mr Hunter returned an international leader of the counterculture and subsequently shaped the beginning of the Greenpeace Foundation.
从这次航行回来,鲍伯?杭特成为反文化的国际领袖,后来渐渐形塑了「绿色和平」基金会的开端。 iciba

On the day after the election, he called Hillary and me counterculture McGovernicks, his ultimate condemnation.
大选结束后的第二天,他又把我和希拉里称为“反主流文化的麦戈文之流”,这是对我们的终极谴责。 yeeyan

This has even spawned an anti- corporate coffee counterculture, with those subscribing to this culture boycotting big business coffee chains.
甚至造成了一种反企业垄断的非主流文化和与其相呼应的抵制大型商业咖啡连锁店活动。 iciba

“ I think it's a bit of a counterculture movement against the body- beautiful thing at the moment, ” Maddocks says of the renewed interest in nudism.
“我想这有点儿像反对当前以躯体美丽为标准的反文化运动”, Maddocks谈论着天体主义唤起的新的兴趣。 yeeyan

According to the1994 census, many counterculture ideas have entered mainstream culture.
根据1994年的调查,许多反文化的观念已进入了主流文化。 cri

Accordingly, liberalism and conservatism were now defined in the popular imagination less by class than by attitude—the position you took toward the traditional culture and counterculture.
因此,自由主义和保守主义现在被更多的有态度而非阶层来决定——看你看待问题的角度是传统还是反传统。 ecocn

An eccentric or nonconformist person, especially a member of a counterculture.
离经叛道之人、反常或不符合常规之人,尤指反主流文化的成员。 blog.sina.com.cn

By1971, “ Rolling Stone” had become the leading rock music and counterculture publication. It is still popular today.
在1971年,“滚石”已成为宣扬主流摇滚乐和反主流文化的刊物,至今仍广受欢迎。 hjenglish

Crime is the reflection of violent conflicts between the counterculture and the mainstream of culture in a society.
犯罪是社会反主流文化与主流文化严重冲突的表现; cnki

I always thought that the firm's once colorful apple logo had somehow grown out of the1960s San Francisco counterculture.
我总是认为苹果公司曾经彩色的苹果标志是二十世纪60年代旧金山反传统的产物。 ecocn

It wasn't long before Seattle and other parts of the Pacific Northwest were developing coffee shops as part of a thriving counterculture scene.
不久在西雅图和太平洋西北部的城市也出现了越来越多的咖啡馆,并且迅速发展成为了反传统文化的中心。 blog.sina.com.cn

Over the course of his life, he combined three asynchronous idea spaces — the counterculture of the1960s, the culture of early computer geeks and the culture of corporate America.
在他的一生中,他融合了三个不同时代的观点——20世纪60年代的反主流文化,早期电脑怪才文化和美国公司文化。 yeeyan

You have a real intersection of counterculture people with counterculture attitudes and engineering people with engineering attitudes and engineering humor.
这是一些真正的综合反文化人,反文化人的态度和工程技术的人带着技术态度和技术性幽默。 iciba




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