the appearance conveyed by a person's face;a pleasant countenance
a stern visage
formal and explicit approval;a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement
the human face `kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British
consent to, give permission;She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband
I won't let the police search her basement
I cannot allow you to see your exam
keep one's countenance镇定自若give countenance to赞成keep someone in countenance使某人克制灰心情绪…Knight of the Rueful Countenance愁容骑士light of someone's countenance嘉许stare someone out of countenance盯得某人局促不安…in countenance镇定沉着lend countenance to赞成lose countenance失色get out of countenance失色起来
近义词 mug脸let让phiz脸face表面back后面visage脸mien风采allow允许stomach胃approve批准second第二的tolerate容许permit许可证sanction批准accession到达stand for代表warrant委任状expression表情appearance出现complexion肤色assistance援助kisser接吻的人put up with忍受endorsement支持subscription订阅physiognomy相面术looks外貌(恒用复数…discountenance使丢脸smilersmile的名词形式…indorsement票据等后面的署名…imprimatur官方颁发的出版许可…
用作名词He is a young man of handsomecountenance.他是一个拥有英俊面容的年轻人。
He kept hiscountenancewhen he was in danger.在这个危险的处境中他表现得镇定自若。
Horror was depicted on everycountenance.每一张脸上都现出骇愕的表情。
I would not givecountenanceto such a plan.我不赞同这样的计划。用作动词We will notcountenanceany aggressive violence.我们不会支持任何挑衅性暴力行动。 And the gym room full of boy building equipments often reminds me of the Cinder Cave, a concentration camp with countenancing tortures in the film of“ Red Crag”.
至于器械健美就不要提了,咱们是看着《红岩》影戏长大的一代,一到健身房就想起“渣子洞集中营”的酷刑拷打排场。 tianxiabagua
There was no longer any possibility of suggesting limitations or of countenancing rebellion.