

单词 councilman
释义 coun·cil·man 英ˈkaʊnsəlmən美ˈkaʊnsəlmənAHDkounʹsəl-mən ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁷⁸²⁴BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb²⁸⁶⁴⁰
a man who is a council membercouncilman男人⇒n.议员⁸⁰;市议会议员²⁰近义词 representative代表

用作名词After one term as City Councilman, Smith shied away from politics.做了一任市议员后,史密斯就避开政治活动。
Councilman Liu wants to run for a city-wide position 4 years later.刘议员希望在四年后参选更高职位,而陈主席希望刘议员的成功会鼓励更多华裔青年参选。as in.lawmaker
同义词 legislatorcongressman,congresswoman,councilwomancongressperson,councilperson
lawmakernoun lawgiver
congressman,congressperson,congresswoman,councilperson,councilwoman,legislator Many threats have been directed to the eight council members nominated to the post, “ Faiyek said, adding that another councilman escaped an assassination attempt on Monday.”
该负责人还说,8名获得提名的委员会成员均受到了武装分子的威胁,而另一名成员周一幸运的逃脱了暗杀。 iciba

The dropouts started when Oliver Thomas, then a city councilman and the city’s most popular politician, pleaded guilty to taking bribes.
候选人退出事件起始于奥利弗。托马斯 Oliver Thomas对自己受贿罪的认服——当时他还是一名市议员并且是新奥尔良最受欢迎的政治家。 ecocn

City councilman Jim Kenney recently toured Chicago to see environmentally-friendly city projects there. He came back with a number of ideas on which he plans to hold hearings.
据路透社2月5日报道,这位名叫吉姆·肯尼的市议会议员不久前专程到芝加哥市考察了符合环保原则的城市建设计划,其中包括用橡胶来建造人行道。 cri

City councilman Julian Castro, then the front- runner, sent his twin brother to ride on a float in his stead.
市议会议员朱利安•卡斯特罗 Julian Castro当时在选举中一路领先,可他竟让他的孪生弟弟顶替他坐在一辆游行花车上。 ecocn

Jerusalem Councilman Elisha Peleg supports the plan, which could be approved next week.
耶路撒冷市议员皮勒格支持这个计划,而计划可能在下个星期通过。 www.voanews.com.cn

The South has always had its own breed of environmentalism, says Daniel Rickenmann, who is a Columbia city councilman in the very red state of South Carolina.
南卡是共和党大本营。哥伦比亚市议员丹尼尔•瑞肯曼表示,南方人对环境保护主义持有独特的观点。 fortunechina

Councilman Steve Wolfson asked if there were any risks to the city in the deal.
议员史蒂夫。沃尔福森问此次交易对城市是否存在风险。 yumihe




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