

单词 Coulson
释义 Coulson ˈkaʊlsən 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Mr Coulson has long been regarded by many insiders as the most effective member of Mr Cameron’s back-room team.
很多内部人士长期以来一直认为库尔森是卡梅隆幕后团队中最有效率的成员。 ecocn

Again, Mr Coulson denied knowing about this while he was editor.
库尔森再一次否认自己做编辑时知道这件事情。 ecocn

Alastair Campbell and Philip Gould were indispensable to Tony Blair; Steve Hilton and Andy Coulson are closer to David Cameron than most cabinet ministers.
阿拉斯泰尔.坎贝尔和菲利普.古尔德于布莱尔而言是不可缺少的人物,较之其它内阁部长,史蒂夫.希尔顿和安迪.库尔森和大卫.卡梅伦更加亲密。 ecocn

At the time Mr Coulson resigned the editorship but denied knowing that such activities were happening on his watch.
那是库尔森先生已经辞职了,他否认在即在职时知道这些事情。 ecocn

But let us not overlook that Coulson's resignation was hugely beneficial to News International.
但是我们也别忽略了库尔森的辞职对新闻集团的莫大好处。 yeeyan

Cameron has acknowledged that he met Coulson since his resignation, but“ not recently and not frequently”.
卡梅伦承认,自从库尔森辞职之后,他们见过面,但并“不是最近和经常见面”。 yeeyan

Later it also emerged that Andy Coulson had hired Wallis to advise the Conservatives before the election.
此后也显示安迪•库尔森曾在大选之前受雇于沃利斯去游说保守党人。 yeeyan

Mr Coulson, the product of an Essex comprehensive school, has a feel for the popular mood.
毕业于埃塞克斯综合学校的库尔森先生更受大众欢迎。 ecocn

Mr Coulson repeated earlier statements that he was unaware of the activities of Clive Goodman, the royal reporter jailed for hacking the voicemails of aides to Prince William.
库尔森先生重申了早期的发言:他对皇家记者克莱夫·古德曼因为入侵威廉王子助手的语音信箱被判入狱一事一无所知。 yeeyan

Once again, Mr Coulson denied this, declaring himself happy to answer any questions the police may have.
库尔森又一次否认了这种说法,并称自己乐意回答警察询问的任何问题。 ecocn

Coulson said these events happened“ on his watch” but denies knowledge of any illegal activity.
库尔森表示这些事情的确发生在其眼皮底下,但否认与任何非法行为有牵连。 yeeyan




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