

单词 couldn
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In- state tuition. For decades, it was the one advantage big state schools had that even the Ivy League couldn't match, in terms of recruiting the best and the brightest to their campuses.
数十年来,州内学费是大型州立学校得天独厚的优势,连常春藤联盟都无法匹敌,因为这能为学校招来最优秀、最聪明的学生。 hjenglish

The design and layout of the site were great, but I just couldn't get past the ugly background.
这个网站的设计和布局非常好,我就是不能容忍那个难看的背景。 yeeyan

The door locked accidentally, and I couldn't get out of the room.

These viruses couldn't replicate and spread to other chickens through the birds' exhalations and droppings.
病毒不能自我复制,也就不会通过呼吸和排泄物传染给其它禽类。 yeeyan

“ They couldn’t define it, ” he said.
“他们无法定义李宁品牌的个性。”他说。 yeeyan

All the while, lay people couldn't help but wonder: did no one foresee this?
纵观整个事件,人们不禁要问:这种情形以前难道没有人预见到吗? yeeyan

Another student I knew, a man, knew that his roommate couldn't afford an important textbook in his subject; a book which was very scarce in second- hand shops and impossibly expensive when new.
我知道的另一个学生是个男生。他得知他的室友买不起本学科的一本重要教科书——一本旧书店中难得一见而新书又贵得出奇的书。 ebigear

But at his daughter's wedding he wore a big smile and was so friendly I couldn't believe he was the same man.
但是,在他女儿的婚礼上,他笑容满面,非常友好。我真是难以相信看到的是同一个人。 hjenglish

But CCTV couldn't bear to look away from its own team yesterday.
但昨天 CCTV表现得根本无法容忍离开中国队哪怕一会儿。 yeeyan

But they knew they couldn't hike20 miles wearing only sneakers.
但他们清楚穿运动鞋要徒步走20英里是不可能的。 yeeyan

He telephoned to say he couldn't attend the meeting.

He couldn't bring himself to do it.

I was tired and bored with my job and my furniture, and I couldn't see any way to change things.
我无法忍受我的工作和我的家具,更可悲的在于,我看不到任何改变的希望。 yeeyan

I would hold it close to my face, so close I couldn’t see anything but that blue.
我把它端起来贴着脸观察,靠得太近了,眼前只看到一片蓝色。 yeeyan

I couldn't muster up much enthusiasm for basketball.

I couldn't subscribe to his views.

Report isn't a tale, so it couldn't be subjectified.

She said it was like practising your social skills on your family and so long as it was mutual, she couldn't see the harm.
她说这就像是用你的家庭成员锻炼社交技巧,只要这是相互的,她觉得就没什么坏处。 yeeyan

Since we couldn't reconcile our difference, we decided to get a divorce.

They couldn't resist any more and decided to render up the city.

They couldn't prevent our defending the rights of the workers.

What a pity you couldn't come here yesterday!

What a rubbish name, I thought: why couldn’t Mexicans be given a direct translation?
多胡扯的一个名字!我想:墨西哥人为什么就不能来个直译呢? yeeyan




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