

单词 coughed
释义 cough·ed 英kɒf美kɔːf COCA²⁰¹⁰⁵BNC¹⁷⁴¹⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vi. & vt. 咳嗽

send out air from the mouth and throat in a noisy way


send out air from the mouth and throat in a noisy way

a sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs that clears the air passages; a common symptom of upper respiratory infection or bronchitis or pneumonia or tuberculosis
exhale abruptly, as when one has a chest cold or congestion;

The smoker coughs all day

用作动词 v.
~+副词cough hard咳嗽得厉害cough badly咳嗽得厉害cough loudly大声地咳嗽cough down用咳嗽声掩盖某讲话者的声音cough out咳出cough up咳出用作名词 n.动词+~cure a cough治好咳嗽develop a cough患咳嗽ease a cough使咳嗽缓解have a cough咳嗽suffer from a cough患咳嗽relieve a cough使咳嗽减轻形容词+~awful cough可怕的咳嗽bad cough厉害的咳嗽dry cough干咳hoarse cough嘶哑的咳嗽low cough低声咳嗽persistent cough持续的咳嗽short cough短促的咳嗽声slight cough轻微的咳嗽terrible cough严重的咳嗽troublesome cough讨厌的咳嗽warning cough警告〔提醒〕式的咳嗽声
cough up v.+adv.

掏出,交出 produce (money or information unwillingly)

cough upHe owes us money, but he won't cough up.他欠我们钱,却不愿还账。
Come on, cough up, who did it?好了,说出来,是谁干的?cough sth ⇔ upThe little boy coughed up a fish-bone.那小孩咳出一根鱼刺。
He'd been coughing up blood.他那时一直在咳血。cough upShe was shocked at the bill, but she had to cough up.她颤抖地拿着这张支票,但不得不交出。近义词 hack劈或砍coughing动词cough的现在进行…
S+~+AHe coughed in order to clear his throat.他咳了一声,清了清嗓子。
He's coughing badly because he has a cold.他感冒了,咳得很厉害。
The engine coughed and sputtered into life.这发动机启动时喀喀作响。
S+~+ n./pron.He has coughed blood.他咳血了。
He started coughing blood.他开始咳血了。
She coughed a terrible cough.她咳嗽得非常厉害。
S+~+ pron. + adj.He coughed himself hoarse.他咳得嗓子沙哑了。用作名词n.The medicine may ease your cough.这种药能减轻你的咳嗽。
His illness started with a slight cough.他的病是从轻微咳嗽开始的。
You should consult your doctor about your cough.你咳嗽了,应当去找医生看看。
She developed a cough.她咳嗽起来了。
Have you got a cough?你咳嗽吗?
The hunter's cough scared the deer.猎人的咳嗽声使鹿受惊。
He heard a quiet cough.他听到轻轻的一声咳嗽。
She gave a quiet cough to attract our attention.她轻咳一声以引起我们的注意。
Tom has a cough.汤姆咳嗽了。
Winter is a time of cough and cold.冬季是易患咳嗽和感冒的季节。
A cold can easily cause a cough.感冒了就容易咳嗽。
He had short dry coughs.他干咳了几声。

cough的基本意思是“咳嗽”,是拟声词。多用作不及物动词,偶尔也用作及物动词,接血、痰等名词作宾语,表示“咳出”; cough还可接同源宾语,这时通常有一个形容词或形容词短语修饰它。






用作动词Cover your mouth when youcough.咳嗽时要捂上嘴。
Icougha great deal last night.我昨夜咳嗽得很厉害。
Shecoughto give him the hint that he shall go.她咳了一声,向他暗示他该走了。用作名词You really ought to/should do something about thatcough!你咳嗽那麽厉害,真得治一治了!
The baby has acough.婴儿咳嗽了。
She gave a quietcoughto attract my attention.她轻轻地咳了一声好引起我注意。 And she coughed as she gave her name at Reception.
当她对接待生报出自己的姓名时,有点咳嗽。 ebigear

Carmen Elcira coughed.
卡门·艾尔茜拉咳嗽了一声。 yeeyan

With viral bronchitis, small amounts of white mucus are often coughed up.
病毒性急性支气管炎,通常咳出少量白色粘液痰。 yeeyan

After a few seconds, he coughed and folded his olive-skin hands on the table.
过了一会,他咳嗽了几声,把橄榄色的双手合拢在桌面上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Eventually, she gathered the nerve to ask him on a date, but B.B. coughed into his fist and said he already had a girlfriend.
最后,她鼓足了勇气要和他约会,可是博博用拳头挡在嘴边咳了咳,说他已经有女朋友了。 yeeyan

Finally, she coughed, opened her eyes, and began to gag and spit up.
终于,她开始咳嗽,睁开眼睛,并伴有呕吐。 yeeyan

He craned his body to glimpse under the table. “ Your shoes are nice, ” he said, and then coughed.
他俯下身来,看了看桌底,“你穿了一双好鞋,”他说,又开始咳嗽。 yeeyan

He has coughed up blood.
他咳嗽有血。 examw

He coughed up some drops of blood.
他咳出了几滴血。 hjenglish

He coughed.
他咳嗽起来。 yeeyan

He coughed out blood.
他咳出血来了。 iciba

Her father coughed in his chair.
她的父亲坐在椅子里咳嗽着。 ebigear

I coughed, as if to locate the problem in my throat.
我咳了几声,似乎想弄明白究竟喉咙哪里出了问题。 yeeyan

I coughed. A little smoke was getting past the towels. So I lay on the floor with Charlie beside me and waited.
我开始咳嗽,缕缕烟雾透过毛巾钻了进来,于是我跟查理都躺在地板上等待救援。 hjenglish

Jimmy coughed and choked on a piece of sausage.
正吃着香肠的吉米听到这个消息被呛得连声咳嗽。 yeeyan

Megan coughed hard because she was allergic to dust.
梅金咳嗽个不停,因为她对烟尘过敏。 yeeyan

She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room ashen-faced, as if he’d seen a fulminating witch, a dead woman speaking, some kind of horror-flick apparition.
她边笑边咳嗽,丈夫脸色苍白从房间里跑出来,好像他见到了一个喜好怒斥人的巫婆,一个死亡女人的讲话,某种恐怖片里的幽灵似的。 yeeyan

She coughed up the bone.
她咳出了那块骨头。 iciba

She coughed blood again this morning.

The old man coughed badly and wheezed out a few words.

They also found that folks who were coughed on were more likely to favor federal funding for flu vaccines than for the creation of green jobs.
而且经常咳嗽的人更喜欢政府注资购买疫苗的消息远过于环保工作。 hjenglish

They made the board too shiny, reflecting the lights, and fidgeted and coughed until he cleared out the first seven rows of the audience.
他们使棋盘产生强烈的反光,他们不停的挪动和咳嗽,一直到鲍比·菲舍尔清除了前七排的观众为止。 ecocn

They coughed as they danced, and laughed as they coughed.
他们一边跳舞一边咳嗽,一边咳嗽又一边欢笑。 ebigear

Your son just swallowed a nickel and coughed up two dimes!What shall I do?
你儿子刚才吞下了一枚五分镍币,可咳出两枚一角的硬币!我该怎么办呢? iciba




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