

单词 couch potato
释义 couch potato ˈkaʊtʃpəteɪtəʊ ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁷⁶²⁵⁷

an idler who spends much time on a couch usually watching televisionnoun.inactive person who watches a lot of TV
同义词 TV viewer,bystander,drone,goof-off,idler,inactive person,laggard,lazy person,lazybones,loafer,lotuseater,lounger,observer,slouch,sluggard,sofa spud,spectator,televiewer,television viewer,video-gazer,viewer
do-nothingnoun lazy person
bum,clock watcher,couch potato,deadbeat,good-for-nothing,goof off,idler,laggard,layabout,lazy person,lazybones,loafer,lotus eater,lounger,malingerer,moocher,shirker,slacker,sloth,sponger
goof offnoun inactive person
couch potato,do-nothing,fainéant,layabout,lazybones,loafer,malingerer,quitter,shirker,slacker
idlernoun lounger
couch potato,drone,lazy bum,loafer,slacker
lazybonesnoun idle person
beachcomber,couch potato,deadbeat,do-nothing,fainéant,good-for-nothing,goof-off,idler,layabout,lazy person,loafer,lounger,malingerer,ne'er-do-well,no-good,shirker,slacker,slouch,slugabed,sluggard,sponger,wanderer,waster,wastrel The aim of the research was to study the long-term effects of sedentary“ couch potato” lifestyles.
研究的目的是为了调查终日久坐不动懒惰的生活方式的长期影响。 yeeyan

But even the laziest couch potato may soon notice some changes to his television set.
但即使最懒惰的电视迷也将很快发现他观看电视时发生的变化。 ecocn

Granted, I'm far more obsessed with this topic than the average couch potato.
我承认我对这个主题的痴迷远比终日躺在床上看电视更为强烈。 yeeyan

If I wanted to I could just be a couch potato for days on end.
要是我愿意的话可以整天做只懒虫就行。 yeeyan

Mei-yu: You are such a couch potato on weekends!
美玉:你一到周末就整天躺著看电视! iciba

Oh sure, you could run into the house, shut the windows and doors, turn on the air conditioner, and become a cool couch potato.
当然,你可以跑进家门,关好门窗,开空调,然后变成凉爽的“土豆人”。 yeeyan

The boy was a couch potato. They used to fight over very trivial things.
那个男孩是一个电视迷,他们经常为了琐事吵架。 ebigear

The results remained the same after considering age, sex, race, whether the person smoked or drank, whether they were fat or slim, and whether they're active or couch potato.
这与年龄,性别,种族和是否吸烟喝酒,体型胖瘦,是否喜欢运动并没有关系。 yeeyan




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