

单词 cotton mill
释义 cotton mill ˈkɔtənmil 短语⁵⁸⁰⁹⁵

a textile mill for making cotton textiles用作名词I want to get to know some mill hands.我想认识几个纱厂工人。
Across the street was a textile mill.街对面有一家纱厂。 According to the story, Ben Franklin visited a cotton mill in England, and the owner of the mill told him, full of pride: “ Look, here are cotton goods for Hungary.”

In the meantime, a large cotton mill was brought in from Shanghai.
当时,从上海买来了一座大棉纺厂。 chinashakestheworldbook

Shanghai8th Cotton Mill and several other old workshops close to the bank will be used to develop creative industry.
紧靠该段河岸的上棉八厂等诸多历史悠久的老厂房,将用于发展创意产业。 big5.baoshan.sh.cn

Afraid of air raids, the government never put up the cotton mill.
由于怕空袭,政府一直没有把棉纺厂盖起来。 chinashakestheworldbook

Based on the characteristics of textile production process and combined with the practice, the design of light- steel structure building applicable to the cotton mill is discussed.
针对棉纺织工业生产的特点,结合生产实际,介绍了轻钢结构用于棉纺织工业生产厂房的设计。 cnki

But ten years ago David Masika, an agent in Kenya, bought a cotton mill for himself.
但是十年前,肯尼亚一位代理人 David Masika为自己购买了一家棉纺厂。 ebigear

For the cotton mill, cotton prices are over around a topic.
对棉纺织企业来说,棉花价格是个绕不过去的话题。 texclo

Gauze sales situation is not optimistic, however, current cotton market almost to a standstill, mostly cotton mill has been discontinued.
然而纱布销售情况并不乐观,目前棉纱市场几乎停滞,多半纱厂已停产。 texclo

He is working in a cotton mill these days.
这些日子他在一家棉纺厂劳动。 enlrc

She worked in a cotton mill.
她是一家棉纺厂工作。 edustar.library.nenu.edu.cn

Since1984, Wuhan No. 2 Cotton Mill has been using T814 rubber cots' co- ating developed by Shaanxi Research Institute of Textile Accessories.
该厂从1984年以来,一直使用陕西纺织器材研究所研制的 T814涂料。 cnki

The article proves the developing future of gripper looms in cotton mill, in terms of the production conditions and economic profits of the imported gripper looms.
本文从引进片梭织机的生产情况和经济效益,论证了片梭织机在棉织厂的发展前景。 cnki

This cotton mill was set back on its feet through the joint effort of management and workers.

To this, Xiong Tao believes that cotton mill in a short time have changed, these long thinking or being short.
对此,熊涛则认为,纱厂状况在短时间难有改变,持上述多头思维的人或被空头利用。 texclo

To1846, with4000 the11th Manchester cotton textile machines became the world's largest cotton mill.
至1846年,有着4000台纺织机的曼彻斯特第十一棉纺厂成为当时世界上最大的棉纺厂。 zysd

We can arrange for you to visit our Ever Bright Cotton Mill this afternoon.
我么可以安排让你今天下午参观永明棉纺厂。 lqqm

We'll visit the cotton mill if it is fine tomorrow.
如果明天天晴,我们就去参观纺织厂。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yarn products such as reduction in the sales rate, cause finished with cotton mill of the link status of the backlog inventory.
纱线等产成品销售率降低,导致棉纺企业的各环节出现产成品库存积压的状况。 texclo




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