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Cotton aphids 基本例句 棉蚜 This text, on doing a survey in preventing and curing cotton aphid of source pesticide of plant.本文就植物源农药的在防治棉蚜方面做一综述。 The cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover is one of the main pests of cotton, cucurbits and other crops.棉蚜是一种重要的农业害虫,能危害棉花、瓜类及多种观赏植物,并能传播植物病毒病,给农业生产带来重大损失。 Generally evaluated, cotton aphid had the highest fitness on Bt transgenic cotton, and the lowest fitness on Bt and CpTI transgenic cotton.综合评价,棉蚜的生存和繁殖适合性在转单价基因抗虫棉上最高,在双价棉上最低。 The resistant mechanism of cotton aphid to insecticide is relevant to many factories .Such as the susceptibility of target reducing and activity of detoxify enzyme, etc.棉蚜对杀虫剂的抗性机理涉及到靶标敏感度下降、体内解毒酶系活力升高等多种机理。 In terms of reproductive capacity of cotton aphids inside the cages in the fields, “Chuan 109”and“Chuan 77”have fewer aphids than CK while APIA transgenic plants were not different from CK.采用田间罩笼法观察棉蚜在抗虫棉上的增殖量,结果为川109和川77蚜量低于对照,而导入APIA的棉株效果不明显。 In terms of reproductive capacity of cotton aphids inside the cages in the fields, “Chuan 109”and“Chuan 77”have fewer aphids than CK while APIA transgenic plants were not different from CK.采用田间罩笼法观察棉蚜在抗虫棉上的增殖量,结果为川109和川77蚜量低于对照,而导入APIA的棉株效果不明显。 |