

单词 cotton
释义 cot·ton 英ˈkɒtn美ˈkɑtņAHDkŏtʹn


plant with soft, white stuff round the seeds


cloth or thread that is made from the soft white stuff on the seeds of a plant that grows in hot countries

soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw statefabric woven from cotton fiberserect bushy mallow plant or small tree bearing bolls containing seeds with many long hairy fibersthread made of cotton fibers
take a liking to;

cotton to something


❌ The girls are picking the cotton.

✔️ The girls are picking cotton.


用作名词 n.
动词+~cultivate cotton培植棉花export cotton出口棉花grow cotton种棉花import cotton进口棉花pick cotton摘棉花plant cotton种棉花raise cotton种棉花weave cotton纺棉花形容词+~raw cotton原棉white cotton雪白的棉花名词+~sewing cotton缝纫用线silk cotton丝棉upland cotton陆地棉~+名词cotton candy棉花糖cotton curtain棉幕cotton mill纺织厂cotton plant棉树,棉株cotton print印花棉布cotton tree棉树介词+~a sack of cotton一大袋棉花a sheet of cotton一片棉花a slice of cotton一薄片棉花a ton of cotton一吨棉花
非常记忆co可乐〖熟词coke〗+tt两把伞〖编码〗+on在…上面〖熟词〗⇒喝完可乐把两把伞放在棉花上面近义词 yarn纱line线thread线cord细绳strand缕fibre纤维filament细丝fiber纤维物质cotton wool原棉cotton plant棉树cotton cloth棉布cotton fiber棉纤维
用作名词n.The import of cotton goods went up sharply.棉织品的进口大大增加了。
This country abounds withcottons.这个国家出产大量的棉花。
Cloth is made from cotton.布是用棉花织成的。
Cotton is grown in the South.棉花种植在南方。
He is a cotton king.他是棉花大王。
My sister works in a cotton textile mill.我姐姐在一家棉纺厂工作。
Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill.棉布是由棉纺厂制造的。
Twenty of us went to reap wheat and the remainder worked in the cotton fields.我们之中20人去割麦,其余人在棉花田劳动。
Then we got a needle and cotton thread and sewed up the hole.然后我们拿到一根针和棉线把洞缝合了。
He wore a plain cotton uniform.他穿着一身朴素的棉制服。Pcottonous棉的Pcottonseedn.棉籽Pcotton-seedn.棉籽Pguncottonn.棉火药Pcotton-braided棉编Pcottonizevt.使成绵状Pcottonwoodn.三角叶杨Pcottonpox乳白痘类天花Pcottonweedn.鼠曲草属植物Pcottonizing用棉花包裹棉化Pcottontailn.美洲产白尾棕色免Pnitro-cotton硝化棉硝化纤维素Pcottonya.象棉样的起毛的柔软的




用作名词India exports tea andcottonto many different countries.印度向许多国家出口茶叶和棉花。
This district used to growcottonon a large scale.这个地区过去大量种棉花。
The import ofcottongoods went up sharply in 1986.在1986年,棉织品的进口猛增。
In hot weather cloths made of a porous material likecottonare best.热天穿棉布之类有渗透性的材料制成的衣服最为适宜。verb.understand
同义词 comprehend,get,grasp
反义词 misunderstand
affinitynoun liking or inclination toward something
affection,attraction,closeness,compatibility,cup of tea,druthers,fondness,good vibrations,leaning,partiality,rapport,same wavelength,simpatico,sympathy,thing,weakness
bombastnoun boasting
caterverb provide, help
baby,coddle,cotton,furnish,gratify,humor,indulge,minister to,outfit,pamper,pander to,procure,provision,purvey,spoil,supply,victual
cateredverb provide, help
babied,coddled,cottoned,furnished,gratified,humored,indulged,minister to,outfitted,pampered,pandered to,procured,provisioned,purveyed,spoiled,supplied,victualled
clothnoun fabric
bolt,calico,cotton,dry goods,goods,material,stuff,synthetics,textiles,tissue,twill,weave,yard goods
coddleverb indulge, pamper
baby,caress,cater to,cosset,cotton,favor,humor,make much of,make over,mollycoddle,nurse,pet,play up to,spoil The noise of the cat jumping clumsily onto her lap, the feeling of her pressing up and down with alternate paws, claws snagging loops of cotton.
猫吵闹着,笨拙地跳到她的膝盖上,爪子来回踩着她的腿,产生压迫的感觉,衣服上的棉线也被爪子刮出来了。 yeeyan

Bales of cotton were piled up in the warehouse.

But they already account for about 85% of the cotton grown there.
但目前该国种植的棉花中已有85%采用了转基因技术。 ecocn

First draw out your EVE on a sheet of plain white cotton.
首先,在一张平整的白色棉布上绘制出伊娃的外形。 blog.sina.com.cn

For example, in Zambia, adult deaths among small maize and cotton farmers caused crop yields to fall by roughly15%.
例如,赞比亚种植玉米和棉花的小型农场主中的成人死亡使作物产量下降约15%。 who

Get a lighter and a candle with a cotton wick.
取一个打火机和一支有棉花芯的蜡烛。 yeeyan

Hang with some cotton or a ribbon or just play with them we do.
系上棉布、丝带,或者就直接开完吧我们就是这么做的。 yeeyan

Him based on farmland, tirelessly studied the wheat, cotton, how to land on the homeland can have higher output.
他立足农田,孜孜不倦地研究着小麦、棉花如何在家乡的土地上能够有更高的总产量。 ebigear

Hoe the wheat today, and the cotton tomorrow.

In an empty corner, she replaced her cotton stockings for the new silk ones.
在一个没有人的角落,她脱下棉袜子,换上新买的丝袜。 ebigear

Pollen samples indicated forests were replaced by fields of cotton and corn.
花粉样本也表明森林被棉花地和玉米地所取代。 yeeyan

Then we sell it to the cotton merchant.
然后我们就把它卖给棉花商人。 yeeyan

We support the production of corn, soybeans, cotton and wheat.
我们支持玉米,大豆,棉花和小麦的生产。 yeeyan

Who would buy such germ- filled cotton from him?
谁会从他那儿买这种沾满细菌的棉花? yeeyan

You can have cotton candy.
你可以吃棉花糖。 yeeyan

Cotton and cloth are being rationed out now.

Cotton was picked and weighed up.




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