

单词 cottage industry
释义 cottage industry ˌkɒtɪdʒˈɪndəstri ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁵⁶⁰⁹⁰

small-scale industry that can be carried on at home by family members using their own equipment Porcelain and pottery making as a cottage industry is scattered all over China.
陶瓷制造作为乡村手工业遍及全国。 blog.sina.com.cn

A cottage industry has sprung up to produce patents of suspect value.
一个家庭手工业涌现在值得怀疑其价值专利申请中。 yeeyan

After all, in its early days, home computer invention and manufacturing did resemble a sort of primitive cottage industry.
毕竟,在其初期,家用电脑的发明和制造类似于原始的家庭手工业。 yeeyan

England was already the leading manufacturing nation. But the manufacture was cottage industry, and the Industrial Revolution begins in the villages.
英格兰已经是领先的生产国,但是制造业都是家庭手工业,因此工业革命在乡村开始的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Gaddafi is the subject of endless caricatures and photomontages, the mainstay of a cottage industry of revolutionary memorabilia driven by the sheer exuberance of release from decades of oppression.
从几十年的压迫中得到完全的解放,促使以卡扎菲为题材的讽刺漫画和蒙太奇照片,成为生产革命纪念品的家庭手工业的支柱产品。 yeeyan

The technology has become so accessible that it is sparking a cottage industry of small entrepreneurial firms.
这一技术已经变得极易获得,它触发了由小型创业公司组成的家庭手工业的诞生。 ecocn

We have developed a new cottage industry.
我们已经逐渐形成了新的家庭手工业。 ruiwen




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