

单词 cottage industries
释义 cottage industries短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
na.家庭手工业;🌏家庭式工业;村舍工厂;家族企业原型cottageindustry的复数 A flour mill, some cottage industries in textiles and garments, and restaurants and cooperative shops are part of the commune.
磨粉机,以纺织与服装为主导的家庭手工业,饭馆与合作商店也都是这个公社的一部分。 lkong

The needs of cotton cloth, but still rely on a number of cottage industries of spinning wheel slowly spinning out.
织布需要的棉纱,却还是依靠众多家庭手工业的纺车慢慢纺出来。 tianya

He upheld the self- sufficient rural community over the heavily armed and centralized nation- state, cottage industries over big factories, and manual labor over machines.
他主张自给自足的乡村社区而不是层层武装的中央集权的民族国家,家庭手工业而不是大工厂,手工劳动而不是机器生产。 yeeyan

In fact, entire cottage industries exist for finicky consumers who don't want mass- produced products or for specific jobs that the ordinary company cannot handle.
以家庭手工业为例,正是因为挑剔的消费者不信赖大规模工业化生产的产品,或存在一般公司没法接受的特定工作,这才催生了该产业的存在。 yeeyan

Just as important- or more so- is to identify their interests such as bugs, gardening, cooking or baking, astronomy, cars, sewing, cottage industries, economics, history or politics.
同样重要或说更重要的还是发掘兴趣,比如昆虫、园艺、烹饪、烘焙、天文、汽车、缝纫、建筑、经济、历史或政治。 bsxlm.com

Technology during the Renaissance period was basically characterized as craftsmanship of cottage industries, yet began its transition to manufactures which later gained a one-up dominance.
文艺复兴时期技术以家庭手工业作坊的工匠技艺为主并开始向手工业工场专业技艺转变,后者逐渐占上风。 cnki

Their best insurance policy might be to diversify into non- farm cottage industries.
他们最好的保险政策已经深入到非农业的家庭手工业。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people's homes.
那时工厂系统摧毁了作坊手工业并使人们工作走出家庭。 blog.sina.com.cn

With sweat shop cheap labor China has the potential to disrupt all of India's cottage industries.
利用血汗工厂廉价劳动力中国很有可能摧毁印度所有的家庭手工业。 xilu

Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.
织布和编织都是传统的家庭手工业。 dictall




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