

abbr.检测设备=Checkout Test Setabbr.集装箱卸货与传输系统=Container off-loading and Transfer Systemabbr.用户订单跟踪系统=Customer Order Tracking System
It is also important to retain information required to force decisions around what major reusable assets or commercial-off-the-shelf COTS software to use.
有一些信息需要被用来决定使用哪些可复用的主要资产或非销售 COTS软件,保留这些信息也是很重要的。 ibm

The project management for the development and deployment of the COTS package will then be managed by Portfolio Manager.
对于 COTS包的开发和部署的项目管理是通过 Portfolio Manager进行管理的。 ibm

The COTS model is one of these topics.
COTS模型是其中一个主题。 yeeyan

This situation can be remedied to an extent by modifying COTS without compromising on military specifications and requirements.
通过修改 COTS坚持军用规格和要求使这一状况在一定程度上得到改进。 www.etiri.com.cn

Air forces around the world are demanding open- architecture solutions and COTS features such as easy upgradability, flexibility, and low cost.
世界各国空军正需求开放架构的解决方案和商用现货功能,如易升级性、灵活性和低成本。 www.etiri.com.cn

Also further posit that this COTS proprietary operating system is found on the majority of the deployed systems under consideration.
再进一步假定这家 COTS的专用作业系统可以在大多数研究中的已部署系统上找到。 ibm

But if they're hooking up using finger cots, they're doing so a lot more safely than the majority of Americans.
不过,如果他们用的是指套来“勾”魂,这样做要比大多数美国人干的安全很多。 yeeyan

Buying COTS makes perfect sense if the business process in question is merely overhead.
如果业务流程仅仅是经费问题,购买 COTS就合情合理。 ibm

In RCHC there are7 cots in an operating room.
在俄国儿童临床医院,每个操作室有7个病床。 yeeyan

In the cots, only six out of the16 had any quiet sleep and its quality was far worse.
在婴儿床中,16名婴儿中只有6名可以有静态睡眠,而且睡眠质量也相对差得多。 edu.sina.com.cn

In this example, the “ type of work” identified is that which deals with the selection and implementation of COTS packaged software.
在此实例中,所识别的“工作类型”是处理 COTS包软件的选择与实现的。 ibm

In this hospital Russian Clinical Hospital for Children there are as many as1500 cots and150 of them are for children with blood disorders.
在这家医院俄国儿童临床医院,有多达1500床,其中150名儿童有血液疾病。 yeeyan

Issues of Commercial Off-the-Shelf COTS, reuse, and other assumptions should be documented as well.
商业现货软件 COTS的问题、复用、以及其他假设也都应当被记录下来。 ibm

IT looks at strategies for components, COTS, process, tools, reuse, Enterprise Architecture Integration EAI, outsourcing strategy, standards, technologies, legacy, and maintenance costs.
IT关注组建策略, COTS,过程,工具,重用, Enterprise Architecture Integration EAI,采购策略,标准,技术,遗产,维护费用。 ibm

Las Vegas is a great destination for kids of all ages, and most of the larger luxury hotels have cots and roll-away beds without any extra fees.
对于不同年龄段的孩子来说,拉斯维加斯是一个很好的旅游胜地。许多的豪华酒店会免费提供儿童床及简易移动床。 yeeyan

Orbital's COTS demonstration mission is scheduled to take place in the fourth quarter of2010.
轨道科学公司计划于2010年第四季度开始进行 COTS演示任务。 www.etiri.com.cn

Soldiers jumped from their cots and raced outside, many wearing shorts and flip- flops, together with their helmets and weapons.
士兵们急忙从他们的床上跳下来,冲向门外,许多人还穿着短裤和拖鞋,他们抓起头盔和武器慌乱开火。 yeeyan

These devices first were made available in 1999 to offer high-performance commercial off-the-shelf COTS products to the aerospace marketplace with quantified radiation performance.
1999年,第一批生产的这类器件向航天市场提供了具有一定抗辐射性能的高性能商用现货产品。 www.etiri.com.cn

This configuration includes all of the content required to immediately publish and start using the COTS Package Delivery process.
该配置包含了立即发布和开始使用 COTS Package Delivery过程所需的所有内容。 ibm

This layer represents the portfolio of existing applicationsi. e., legacy, COTS and custom built systems.
这一层描述了现有应用系统的业务职责。 即,遗留系统, COTS和用户自己构建的系统。 infoq

This plug-in describes the process of evaluating, recommending, acquiring, installing, configuring, fielding, and evolving a COTS package.
该插件描述了评估、推荐、获取、安装、配置、部署,和演进 COTS包的过程。 ibm




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