

单词 costumed
释义 cos·tume·d 英'kɒstjuːm美'kɑːstuːm 高COCA⁴¹³⁷⁸BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb²⁷²¹¹

garment or style of dress


a woman's suit

the attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball;

he won the prize for best costume

unusual or period attire not characteristic of or appropriate to the time and place;

in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume

the prevalent fashion of dress including accessories and hair style as well as garmentsthe attire characteristic of a country or a time or a social class;

he wore his national costume

dress in a costume;

We dressed up for Halloween as pumpkins

furnish with costumes; as for a film or playclothes,clothing,coat,dress,garment,robe,gown,uniform,costume,suit












用作名词 n.
名词+~hunting costume猎装skiing costume滑雪服street costume街装~+名词a costume piece〔play, drama〕古装剧
近义词 suit套装robe长袍gown长袍coat外套dress服装getup穿戴equip装备fit适宜的habit习惯outfit配备attire服装toilet厕所clothes服装uniform制服regalia王袍garment衣服gear传动装置dress up穿上盛装clothing总称衣服
用作名词n.The actress came on in full costume.那个女演员身穿全套戏装登场。
They wore historical costumes for the parade.他们穿着古装参加游行。
用作名词This traditionalcostumeis of indigo blue.这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。
Her funnycostumecaused much mirthful laughter among the guests.她那滑稽的服装引得客人哄堂大笑。
The kimono is part of the nationalcostumeof Japan.和服是日本民族服装的一部分。
We patched up acostumefor the play .我们临时凑成了一件戏装。用作及物动词Janecostumeda historical play.简曾为一出历史剧设计服装。用作形容词A friend of mine was asked to acostumeball a short time ago.不久前,我的一个朋友被邀请参加一个化装舞会。as in.clothed
同义词 attired,cloaked,covered,draped,dressed,veileddecked,invested,robed,shoddressed up
反义词 exposed,naked,unclothed,undressed
clothedadjective clad
attired,cloaked,covered,decked,draped,dressed,dressed up,invested,robed,shod,veiled Masaya, Nicaragua, October24,2008--A costumed celebrant lights up the night during the San Jeronimo Festival.
尼加拉瓜,马萨亚,2008年10月24日——圣何洛尼莫节 San Jeronimo Festival上,盛装的欢庆者点亮了天空。 yeeyan

The trumpets are used in groups of six with the fifth trumpet playing the leading part and accompanied by traditional drums and costumed male dancers performing ritual dances.
乐队由六人组成,其中第五个人作为主角用喇叭演奏,伴以传统的鼓乐和盛装的男性舞蹈。 ccnh

The leading role in the film is costumed in medieval armor.

While costumed children and adults from the congregation act out the pageant, the narration is provided by a1959 recording of Perry Como.
孩子和大人们身着盛装齐聚一堂,表演这出露天舞台剧,不过它的剧本其实是根据佩里·科莫1959年的一段录音创作的。 yeeyan

As Tagbana dialect is a tonal language, certain “ words” can be played on the trumpets which are “ translated” by a choir of costumed women.
因为塔巴纳方言是一种音调语言,所以“文字”都可以被妇女唱诗班用喇叭“翻译”出来。 ccnh

But queues of citizens will still be trundled in, as at Jiuzhaigou, to tread the boardwalks and purchase tchotchkes from costumed hawkers at the end of the bus route.
但是,象在九寨沟一样,成群结队的市民仍然会涌进景区,踩着木板栈道,在巴士路线的终点盛装的小贩那里买上廉价艳丽的小饰物。 blog.sina.com.cn

Creatively costumed locals march in the fringe Box of Wine parade the Sunday before Mardi Gras.
周日,狂欢节开始之前,身着奇装异服的本地人行进在 Box of Wine方队的边上。 yeeyan

Everyday rules are temporarily suspended and thousands of costumed New Yorkers parade in the streets without fear of being judged.
平时的规矩暂时被搁在一边,数以千计盛装的纽约人在街上游行,无畏他人评判的眼光。 hjenglish

He cut such an archetypal gaucho figure that I found it hard at first to believe he was not some sort of costumed tourist attraction.
他的身量相貌是如此典型的高卓人,以至我起初很难相信他不是特意化了妆、穿着民族服装来吸引游客的。 zftrans

If a costumed criminal like the walks into a bank in costume, everyone will know what their intentions are.
如果任何一个坏蛋穿着制服走进银行,那所有人立即就能知道他们想做什么。 yeeyan

Later, in front of a giant statue of Bwana Beast, other costumed heroes walk past her, making comforting gestures.
后来,在比斯特的巨型塑像前,其他身着特殊服装的英雄一一从她面前走过,以手势表达安慰之情。 yeeyan

The design idea and system architecture of costumed fiber channel adapter was proposed based on field programmable gate array FPGA.
基于现场可编程门阵列 FPGA的定制的光纤通道适配器,提出了其设计思路和系统结构。 dictall

Traditionally, during the Opening Ceremonies, the mascot“ comes alive” as a costumed character and welcomes visitors and athletes to the Games.
按惯例,在开幕式上,吉祥“变活”了,穿着吉祥物服装的演员欢迎着来宾和运动员们。 dearedu

Two costumed guests arrive at Vienna's Life Ball, Europe's largest fundraising event for the fight against HIV/ AIDS.
两名打扮怪异的嘉宾亮相欧洲最大的艾滋病募款活动——维也纳“生命之球”的现场。 w167782.l209.myverydz.com




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