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Cory. 'kɔ:ri: 基本例句 n.【女名】女子名;【男名】男子名🌏科里;考瑞;克里 Other newcomers to People's2009 list include“ American Idol” runner-up Adam Lambert and “ Glee” actors Matthew Morrison, Cory Monteith and Mark Salling. 首次跻身该榜的男星还包括《美国偶像》亚军得主亚当•兰伯特,出演《欢乐合唱团》的男演员马修•莫里森、柯瑞•蒙特斯和马克•赛林。 www.chinadaily.com.cn The science fiction writer Cory Doctorow calls this“ thinking like a dandelion.” 科幻作家科里·多克托罗把这叫做“像蒲公英一样思考”。 yeeyan The Times said the gift would be made with the condition of giving back some control of the school system to the mayor of the city, Cory Booker. 时报说,这个捐赠的一个条件是把学校系统的一些控制权归还给市长柯瑞布克 Cory Booker。 yeeyan Then Cory and I hugged. 而后,我和科里拥抱在一起。 zftrans “ It’s made an interesting little home, ” Cory said. 科里说:“这是一个小而有趣的家。” yeeyan Cory Aquino became the new president, and the People Power revolution quickly became a worldwide symbol of democracy. 科丽·阿基诺成为新总统,人民主权革命迅速成为全世界民主精神的象征。 hxen Aquino, affectionately known as Cory, was president from1986 to1992. 阿基诺被人们亲切地叫做科丽,从1986年至1992年担任菲律宾总统。 hjenglish Canadian science fiction author Cory Doctorow rates it as the finest in the world. 在加拿大科幻作家科里·多克托罗眼中,这家小书店“举世无双”。 cri Evenings, Tracy and his friends would set up floodlights in the garage, and Bill and Cory would go to sleep listening to the boy's laughter as they repaired cars. 一到傍晚,特蕾西和他的朋友们就会在车库里支起聚光灯来修车,而比尔和科里则在小伙子们捣鼓汽车时的笑声中进入梦乡。 zftrans He has also become a mentor for other mayors, such as Cory Booker of Newark, who told Esquire magazine: “ He’s the Obi- Wan Kenobi to all of us young Jedi knights.” 他还是诸多市长们的良师益友,比如。纽瓦克市市长柯里•布克在接受《时尚先生》采访时表示“对于我们这些年轻的绝地武士来说,他就是我们欧比旺•肯诺比。” ecocn I'll never forget seeing the tall David bending over Cory, her arms stretched around his waist as a mother would bug a son. 我将永远不会忘记这个情景:高大的戴维弯下身来,科里像母亲搂着儿子那样用双臂搂着他的腰。 zftrans In the most magical moment, the young Nineteen Hundred Cory Buck presses his nose against a stained- glass partition to observe the blurred images of whirling, formally attired ballroom dancers. 在电影最奇妙的时刻,年幼的1900科里·巴克饰演趴在彩色玻璃挡板上,注视着房间里模糊的舞池当中旋转的盛装舞者的影像。 yeeyan Standing next to her son, Cory remembered that Tracy had once mentioned organ donation. 科里站在儿子的身边,想起他曾提到过捐献器官。 zftrans Susan knew that Cory was coming because he had phoned her beforehand. 苏珊知道柯瑞会来,因为他事前打了电话给她。 www.360abc.com We learned something about Bill and Cory, too. 我们还了解到一些有关比尔和科里的事情。 zftrans Cory can't bring herself to throw out Tracy's best- loved pair of blue jeans, and she avoids the supermarket aisles that carry his favorite foods. 科里舍不得扔掉特蕾西最喜爱的牛仔裤,在超市购物时总是避开两边摆放着他爱吃的食品的通道。 zftrans Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark, argues that“ as Democrats we have been wrong on education, and it’s time to get it right.” 纽瓦克市市长克里布克表明:“作为民主党人,我们在教育上的做法已经错了,并且是时候去改正了。” ecocn |