

单词 Cortex Mori
释义 Cortex Mori
The anti-inflammatory effects with theCortex Moriextract was studied.研究桑白皮提取物抗炎作用。
ResultsTLC method and extraction method of Folium Mori,Fructus Mori,Cortex Moriand Ramulus Mori were developed.通过对桑树生物碱成分的结构特征的分析设计提取纯化方法。
Objective: To prove that volatile oil of cortex mori can induce on lymphocyte transformation in internal body of mouse.目的:探讨和论证桑白皮挥发油可诱发小鼠体内淋巴细胞的转化。
Mother-wort,Cortex Mori, Ginseng and other herbal essences: Balance the water metabolism,keeping your skin crystal bright and nourished with water.蕴含益母草,桑白皮,人身等草药精华:能均衡水分代谢,令肌肤长时间保持晶莹剔透,水润细腻。
Methods: To apply volatile oil of cortex mori and CY's reagents in mice after dividing them at random.According to the design, sample blood and dye;then observe lymphoblast and transitional cell.方法:将小鼠随机分组后分别应用桑白皮挥发油等试剂,按设计取血染色,并观察淋巴母细胞的淋巴细胞和过渡型细胞。
KeywordsCortex Mori;processing method;gathering period;Scopoletin;桑白皮;加工方法;采收期;东莨菪内酯;




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