

单词 corsets
释义 cor·set·s 英'kɔːsɪt美'kɔːrsɪt COCA⁵⁰¹⁶⁹BNC³⁷⁰³⁰
a woman's close-fitting foundation garment
dress with a corsetspinal corset医 背甲corset cancer铠甲状癌
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用作名词Women don't wearcorsetnowadays.现在的妇女不再穿紧身衣了。
Women must wear acorsetafter sundown and be in the company of male chaperone.妇女日落后必须穿着束腹且必须要有男伴陪同。
The doctor told her not to lace thecorset.医生告诉她不要系腹带。 The early twentieth century may have released women from the constriction of corsets, but they would have to wait a good deal longer for any real liberation.
兴许二十世纪早期的女人们是摆脱了胸衣的束缚,但真正的解放还是让她们再等上若干时日吧。 yeeyan

Another box in the garage is full of other reminders of past coughing fits and tight corsets that probably prevented hernias.
在车库里的另一个盒子中,放满了过去吃剩的咳嗽药和可能是用来防止疝气的紧身胸衣。 blog.sina.com.cn

By the reaction, you would have thought our BlackBerry-toting president had called for a return to horse-drawn carriages, outhouses, and whalebone corsets.
你的反应可能会觉得,我们的巧克力总统在呼吁我们回到马车车厢、短途旅行和紧身胸衣时代。 yeeyan

By carrying out instrumental tests on the fabric properties and subjective wear trials, the wet comfort of women's corsets was studied in this dissertation.
本论文通过对连身文胸用面料性能的客观测试和对服装进行穿着试验,研究了连身文胸的湿舒适性。 dictall

Coco Chanel took women out of corsets and designed clothes inspired by menswear.
当年, Coco Chanel设计出灵感来自男服的新式女装,将女性从胸衣的束缚中解放出来。 ecocn

Her body of work includes more than 100 unusual, ornate sculptures of bras and corsets.
她的作品非同寻常,其中包括100多件华丽的文胸以及束身内衣的雕塑。 www.china.org.cn

I wish that Halloween costumes for little girls involving vinyl boots or corsets were just silly and fun.
我希望包括由乙烯基制成的长筒靴或着紧身胸衣在内的小女孩万圣节服饰纯粹属于愚蠢和开玩笑的。 yeeyan

Models careeredbetween fake gothic arches wearing corsets, PVC leggings, blacktailoring with pinched, exaggerated shoulders and raccoon fur sleeves.
模特们衣着紧身内衣, PVC材质紧身裤,黑色立体剪裁服装,配有夸张的耸肩还有浣熊皮毛的袖子,穿行于布置如哥特教堂一般的秀场。 yeeyan

Not many modern women, however frustrated with their lot, would choose to go back to long skirts, tight corsets and a general assumption that they are stupid.
无论眼前的生活多么失意,都不会有多少现代女性愿意回到得穿长裙、紧身胸衣并且普遍认为女人很愚蠢的那个年代。 yeeyan

Such corsets need to be carefully designed—and Germany's may prove too rigid.
这样的”紧身法“在设计时就要非常小心,不过德国的方法被证明太死板了。 ecocn

This footage was recorded in several places in the nature. I loll on a bed and wear different corsets, shoes and nylons.
视频还记录了乡村美丽的自然风光。我懒洋洋的躺在床上,穿着不同的紧身胸衣,鞋子和丝袜。 xiwangwang.com

Victorian Age corsets were all the cry with women.
维多利亚时代,紧身衣在妇女间很流行。 nciku




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