

单词 corroborates
释义 cor·rob·o·rate·s 英kə'rɒbəreɪt美kə'rɑːbəreɪt COCA⁵³²⁴⁰BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts;

his story confirmed my doubts

The evidence supports the defendant

give evidence forsupport with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm;

The stories and claims were born out by the evidence

近义词 back后面agree同意prove证明verify核实uphold支持affirm证实support支持confirm证实certify证明testify作证sustain支持document文件bear out证实establish建立validate使生效O.K.好,对,行substantiate证实underpin从下头支持back up因积聚而拥堵…

用作动词There's nothing tocorroborateyour story.无任何东西可以确证你的话。
Some observations do seem tocorroboratethe idea.而某些观察所得似乎也佐证了这种想法。
Experiments havecorroboratedher predictions.实验证实了她的预言。
His friendcorroboratedhis guilt.他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。
Witnessescorroboratedthe policeman's statement.见证人证实了警察的陈述。 A nonlinear finite element method analysis is conducted that corroborates the results from the experimental study and inelastic section analysis.
用弹塑性截面分析法、非线性有限元法计算了梁的承载力与挠度,理论计算值与试验值吻合良好。 cnki

It corroborates that carbon dioxide can remain the active state of catalyst surface and speed the rates of methanol decomposition and methanol synthesis reactions.
认为二氧化碳的存在能保持催化剂表面的活性状态,促进甲醇分解与合成的速率。 cnki

The study corroborates what clinical psychologist Laura Markham, who was not involved in the study, has observed about the negative effects of spanking.
这项研究确证了一个未参加这项研究的临床心理学家-----劳拉。马克汉姆所观察到的拍打的负面影响。 suiniyi

This corroborates what many smaller studies have found, including research from the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network GLSEN.
这个观点在很多更小的学生实例中得到了确认,其中包括男女同性恋和异性恋教育网络 GLSEN所做的研究。 yeeyan

This further corroborates the managerial power hypothesis, the study says, because rich and brash leaders are more likely to pursue their own agendas.
这进一步证实了管理权力假说,因为有财有势的领导人更倾向于按照他们自己的议事日程行事。 fortunechina

This corroborates Dr Marsden’s ideas about core networks, since even those Facebook users with the most friends communicate only with a relatively small number of them.
这有力支持了麦斯登博士关于核心社交网络的想法,因为,即使那些拥有最多好友的 Facebook用户也只在相对小规模的朋友圈交流。 ecocn




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