

单词 corroborated
释义 cor·rob·o·rate·d 英kə'rɒbəreɪt美kə'rɑːbəreɪt COCA³⁶⁵⁸¹BNC⁴¹⁷⁴¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts;

his story confirmed my doubts

The evidence supports the defendant

give evidence forsupport with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm;

The stories and claims were born out by the evidence

近义词 back后面agree同意prove证明verify核实uphold支持affirm证实support支持confirm证实certify证明testify作证sustain支持document文件bear out证实establish建立validate使生效O.K.好,对,行substantiate证实underpin从下头支持back up因积聚而拥堵…

用作动词There's nothing tocorroborateyour story.无任何东西可以确证你的话。
Some observations do seem tocorroboratethe idea.而某些观察所得似乎也佐证了这种想法。
Experiments havecorroboratedher predictions.实验证实了她的预言。
His friendcorroboratedhis guilt.他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。
Witnessescorroboratedthe policeman's statement.见证人证实了警察的陈述。as in.established
同义词 accepted,approved,closed,concluded,confirmed,endorsed,identifiedachieved,ascertained,assured,authenticated,demonstrated,determined,guaranteed,objectified,proved,substantiated,upheld,validated,verifiedcertain,found out,sure,undeniable,valid
反义词 disapproved,uncertainfalse,insolvent,invalidated,temporary,unsound,untrueas in.well-grounded
同义词 substantiated,valid,versed
establishedadjective conclusively proved
accepted,achieved,approved,ascertained,assured,authenticated,certain,closed,concluded,confirmed,demonstrated,determined,endorsed,found out,guaranteed,identified,objectified,proved,substantiated,sure,undeniable,upheld,valid,validated,verified
most establishedadjective conclusively proved
accepted,achieved,approved,ascertained,assured,authenticated,certain,closed,concluded,confirmed,corroborated,demonstrated,determined,endorsed,found out,guaranteed,identified,objectified,proved,substantiated,sure,undeniable,upheld,valid,validated,verified
well-groundedadjective supported
corroborated,substantiated,valid,versed And brain scans corroborated the self- reports, showing a reduction of activity in the amygdala, an area responsible for processing emotions.
脑部扫描结果发现负责处理情感的扁桃腺的活动下降,因而也证实了这个自我反馈的真实性。 hjenglish

At the least, Menzies' work will prompt new research of his findings, whether they're corroborated or debunked.
不管他们是证实还是拆穿他所说的,至少曼兹所发现的将掀起历史研究新的篇章。 yeeyan

Batarfi’s recollection is corroborated by Jamal Khashoggi, a former acquaintance of bin Laden’s who is now an adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
巴塔菲的回忆已被贾马尔·哈肖吉 Jamal Khashoggi证实,拉登以前认识他,现在是沙特阿拉伯驻美大使图尔基·萨尔亲王的顾问。 yeeyan

In a moment he was corroborated by the girl, who said that bursts of laughter had begun to mingle with the music, the confused talking, and the noise of feet.
不一会,姑娘也证实了男人的说法,她说笑声同音乐声、说话声和跺脚声混杂在一起。 yeeyan

The structures of the intermediates and the target molecule is corroborated by 1H NMR and13C NMR spectra in our experiments.
关键中间体及最终化合物的结构经核磁共振氢谱及碳谱得到确证。 chemyq

To many, his results were surprising, but they've since been corroborated by similar studies in Europe and East Asia. Kripke explains.
对比的结果令人吃惊,但之后欧洲和东亚的相似的这方面的研究证实了他的结果, Kripke说。 yeeyan

While pandas have proved notoriously hard to breed in captivity, Pan has corroborated that they can reproduce well in the wild.
人们已经知道人工圈养的大熊猫繁殖能力很差,潘文石则证实了野生环境中的大熊猫具有良好的繁殖能力。 zftrans

A person who saw the accident corroborated the driver's statement.
一位目击者确证驾驶员的说法属实。 hotdic

Analysis of Kelley's data corroborated Roy's modeling studies and provided the first observation-based evidence of wind farms' effects on local temperature.
对凯利的数据进行的分析确证了罗伊德造型研究,并且提供了基于观察的关于风力发电场对当地气温影响的第一证据。 yeeyan

But the judges who convicted him cited evidence that contradicted Mr. Katsav’s testimony, including telephone call logs and testimony from other witnesses that corroborated that of the victims.
但是判定他有罪的法官引用的证据与卡察夫先生的证词相反,这些证据包括电话通话记录和支持受害者指控的其他证人的证词。 yeeyan

By Menzies' reckoning, it was da Conti who corroborated the thesis that Chinese junks rounded the Cape of Good Hope, westward bound for points unknown.
根据曼兹的推测,正是达康迪证实了中国船队曾经绕过好望角西行至未知的地方。 yeeyan

However, because of the small number of patients and the high dropout rate, these findings need to be corroborated in larger cohorts.
但是,因为研究样本小以及病人退出率较高,这些结果还有待扩大样本进行研究。 dxy

Other handwriting samples corroborated what is already known about historical figures.
其它一些笔迹分析结果则向人们证实了一些已知的历史人物的性格特点。 cri

Results:It is checked out and corroborated that the sufferer has taken doxepin, which is a Third Ring Road antidepressants.
结果:检出和确证了患者服用了三环类抗抑郁药多塞平。 cnki

The ones who kept a gratitude journal reported feeling happier and more optimistic than those in a control group, and these reports were corroborated by observations from their spouses.
坚持写感恩日记的人和对照组相比更健康更乐观。研究结果通过患者配偶的观察都得到了证实。 topsage

The study corroborated previous research that found female alcoholics scored lower than their male counterparts in tests that assessed working memory, visuospatial skills and psychomotor speed.
这项研究支持先前关于女性酗酒者在工作记忆、视觉空间技能和精神运动速度的测试中较男性酗酒者得分低的发现。 dxy

The evidence was corroborated by two independent witnesses.
此证据由两名独立证人提供。 wap

The incident corroborated by witnesses prompted a harsh rebuke from the United Nations refugee agency; Turkey denies any wrongdoing.
该事件有目击者证明招致联合国难民署的强烈谴责,土方矢口否认有任何过错。 ecocn




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