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词汇 correctible
释义 cor·rect·ible 英kə'rekt美kə'rekt COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺

right; without mistakes


keeping to proper standards of manners; fit

vt. 改正,纠正

make right; take out mistakes from; mark the mistakes in

free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth;

the correct answer

the correct version

the right answer

took the right road

the right decision

socially right or correct;

it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye

correct behavior

in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure;

what's the right word for this?

the right way to open oysters

correct in opinion or judgment;

time proved him right

make right or correct;

Correct the mistakes

rectify the calculation

make reparations or amends for;

right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust

censure severely;

She chastised him for his insensitive remarks

adjust for;

engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance

punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience;

The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently

go down in value;

the stock market corrected

prices slumped

alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard;

Adjust the clock, please

correct the alignment of the front wheels

treat a defect;

The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia

correct, right


Your answer is right〔correct〕.你的答案是正确的。其区别是:

1.correct含有按标准或规则往往是“正确”的意味; 而right含有按道德规范往往是“正确”的意味。例如:

This sentence is grammatically correct but idiomatically wrong.这句话从语法上讲是对的,但不符合习惯用法。
I don't think it's right to leave children alone in a house.我认为把小孩独自留在房里是不对的。


He invited the right persons.他邀请了该请的客人。correct, corrective

这两个词词根相同,但含义并不相同。correct意为“正确的”; corrective意为“纠正性的”。例如:

The answer is correct.这答案是正确的。
The criminals were sent to prison for corrective punishment.罪犯被关进监狱接受惩罚以改过自新。correct, accurate


correct指按某种标准衡量是正确的,如问题回答得正确; accurate指新闻工作或判决书等文书要求准确、精确。例如:

She gave me two correct answers.她给了我两个正确的答案。
Journalists are not always accurate in what they write.新闻工作者的报导并非都很准确。
correct, rectify, remedy


1.correct意为“改正”,是普通用语,指改正缺点、毛病、错误,使之符合正确的标准; remedy意为“改善”,多指医治,也可指补救缺点、改进条件等; rectify意为“矫正; 整顿”,是正式用语,多用于正式场合,书面语言中较常用。例如:

Please correct my pronunciation.请纠正我的发音。
It is necessary that we should rectify the style of writing.我们有必要整顿文风。

2.correct解决的是简单的是非问题; remedy是在多种方案中寻找最佳方案,有时也指局部的改进; rectify语气更强烈,表示彻底地变革。例如:

Has your homework been corrected?你的作业批改了吗?
We are prepared to do whatever is necessary to remedy the situation.我们准备采取一切措施来改变局面。
The Party's style must be rectified now.现在必须整顿党风。correct, punish


前者侧重“惩罚”; 后者意为“惩戒”,使受罚者改过自新。


He was glad to have his fault corrected.

He was glad to have his mistake corrected.

He was glad to have his error corrected.他乐意接受批评指正。accurate,exact,precise,right,true,correct















14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的corrigere:cor 强调) +regere (规则),意为改进,使符合规则。
用作形容词 (adj.
~+名词correct account正确的说明correct answer正确的答案correct calculation精确的计算correct conduct端正行为correct decision正确的决定correct dress得体的服装correct explanation正确的解释correct exposure适当的曝光correct figure正确的数字correct grinding精磨correct judgement准确的判断correct level校正水准correct line正确路线correct manner适当的举止correct mixture适当混合correct oil合格油correct thing正事,应该的事correct time正确的时间,合适的时间correct usage正确的用法correct young man品行端正的年轻人副词+~quite correct相当正确absolutely correct绝对正确absurdly correct正确得不合情理approximately correct大体上正确avidly correct渴望正确completely correct完全正确dependably correct绝对可靠entirely correct全部正确fashionably correct适于流行的formally correct形式上正确habitually correct习惯性正确infallibly correct一贯正确insatiably correct满足于一贯正确insistently correct坚持正确mathematically correct绝对正确meticulously correct细致正确ordinarily correct行为正常适度ostentatiously correct炫耀正确partially correct部分正确pompously correct夸大正确positively correct确信正确pretentiously correct正确而骄傲rigidly correct一贯正确stiffly correct绝对正确strictly correct绝对正确uncannily correct正确得不可思议uncompromisingly correct正确得无懈可击~+介词correct in……是正确的correct in one's thinking思想正确correct to zero point精确到零点用作动词 v.~+名词correct a child训斥孩子correct a mistake改正错误correct compositions改作文correct errors改正错误correct examination papers批改试卷correct exercises改作业correct grammar改语法correct homework批改作业correct one's fault改正过错correct one's pronunciation纠正发音correct one's watch对表correct pain消除疼痛correct the answer sheets批改答题correct the proof校对清样correct the sheets校正清样correct the spelling纠正拼写错误~+副词correct adequately适当地修改correct agreeably令人愉快地纠正correct carefully用心地校阅correct casually马马虎虎地校阅correct constructively建设性的修改correct courteously客客气气地修改correct crudely粗糙地修改,残酷地惩罚correct dependably有根据地纠正correct desperately拼命地矫正correct formally正规地纠正correct grammatically在语法上做修正correct harshly严厉地训斥correct hastily草率地批阅correct helpfully有益地修改correct immediately立即修改correct infallibly确实可靠地修改correct painstakingly细心地修改correct reasonably适度地纠正correct rudely粗暴地训斥correct sharply严厉地训斥correct sincerely诚恳地加以修改correct strictly严格地纠正correct sufficiently充分地修改correct tactfully得体地修改~+介词correct…by靠…校正或惩罚correct sb's watch by the time signal按报时信号校正某人的表correct for做…修正correct to改正为
correct to v.+prep.

把…改成… change sth into sth

correct sth to sthPlease correct a to the .请把a改成the。You should correct the small letter i to capital letter I .你应该把小写的i改为大写的I。近义词 trueexactrightproperrebukeremedyrectifyreprovechastiseset rightadj. accurateprecisev. chasten反义词 wronginexactimpreciseadj. incorrect
~+ n.The correct thing to do is to say “sorry” to him.正确的做法是对他说声“对不起”。
The above principles are the only correct policy for solving this problem.只有上述原则才是解决这个问题的正确方针。
The party's correct leadership is the guarantee of our victory.党的正确领导是我们成功的保证。
This has afterwards proved to be the correct explanation.事后证实这种解释是恰当的。
Yours is a correct manner in this situation.在这种情境下,你的举止还是得体的。
She is a correct young lady.她是一个品行高尚的年轻女士。
S+be+~This page is correct.这一页没有错误。
The thing turned out to be correct.这事证实是对的。
Your reply is not quite correct.你的回答不完全正确。
He was convinced that his theories were correct.他确信他的学说是正确的。
My uncle was correct when he called your son a wonder child.我叔父说你的儿子是神童,他说对了。
I give my guarantee what she told you is correct.我保证她告诉你的话是对的。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseI think her dress is correct for the party.我认为她的连衣裙适合在这个聚会上穿。
The detective is completely correct in his surmises.这个侦探所推测的完全正确。
You are partially correct in saying this.你这么说有一部分是正确的。
He is correct in saying so.他这样说是正确的。
You are correct in thinking he is an honest man.你认为他是一个诚实的人,你是正确的。It is/was+~+for sb to- vIt is correct for you to keep it secret.你不把事情说出来是对的。
Is it correct for you to wear a shirt waist with a skirt?穿宽松的上衣配裙子是否合适?
It's not correct to speak while one's mouth is full.一边吃饭一边说话是不雅观的。
S+V+O+~We accept the conclusion as correct.我们认为这个结论是正确的。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Regardless of how often I correct him, he always makes the same mistake.不管我怎样经常告诫他,他总是犯同样的错误。
A lot of parents seem unwilling to correct their children these days.现在许多父母似乎不愿管教自己的孩子。
The father harshly corrected his child for disobedience.那位父亲严厉地训斥着那个不听话的孩子。
Some teachers corrected pupils by making them stay after school.有的老师用放学后不让学生回家的方法来惩罚学生。
He is listening to the news while correcting the students' exercise books.他一边听新闻,一边批改学生的作业。
The teacher is correcting the examination papers agreeably because all her students have done well in the examination.老师非常高兴地批改着考卷,因为她的学生都考得不错。
With this new typewriter you can correct mistakes at the touch of a button.这种新型打字机只要轻轻地按一下键就可以改掉错字。
Would you please correct any wrong spellings that you find?请改正你发现的拼写错误好吗?
She has corrected all the mistakes in my manuscript.她把我手稿中的错误全部改正了。
I spent much time correcting my students' grammar.我花了很多时间纠正学生的语法错误。
He is now correcting the sheets for the press.他现在为报纸校对。
I have corrected the proof.我已校正了样稿。
I corrected my watch by the clock.我按钟调我的表。
Father corrected his watch by the time signal.父亲照报时信号校正他的手表。
You'd better wear glasses which will correct your vision.你最好还是戴上眼镜,戴上眼镜可以矫正你的视力。
Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.把方向盘往右边转转,好修正驾驶上的偏差。
Add salt to correct the seasoning.加点盐把味道调好。
The medicine can correct stomach trouble.这种药物可医治胃病。
This medicine is effective in correcting liver trouble.这种药对医治肝炎有效。
His head corrects his heart in the choice of friends.在选择朋友时,他的理智战胜了情感。
You should correct your errors and make a fresh start.你应该改正错误,重新做人。
The mistake has been corrected.这个错误已经改正。

correct的基本意思是“正确的”,指没有错误或过失,按照惯例或公认的标准衡量是正确无误的,没有感情色彩; 也可表示“恰当的”,可用于真理和时尚。








She has corrected the mistakes in the report.她修改了报告里的错误。

correct的名词形式correction与conrrectness意思不同。correction是“改正,修正”的意思,而correctness则是指“正确性”。The correction of the report took her three hours.她用了三个小时来修正报告中的错误。

I am not sure the correctness of this point.我不确定这个观点的正确性。
用作动词Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.如果下列句子中有错,请改正。
She criticizes him. She is trying to correct his bad habits.她批评他,想纠正他的坏习惯。




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