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cor·rea AHDkəˈrēə,-rāə COCA⁴⁸⁸⁶⁵BNC⁷¹¹⁹⁷ 基本例句 n.科雷亚 Allegations by Fabricio Correa, the president’s older brother, who is himself the subject of scandal. 这都是源于总统兄长奥博托科雷亚的丑闻和他对总统的指控。 ecocn Mr Correa tried to resolve the conflict directly by visiting one police installation in an attempt to negotiate. 科雷亚前往一个警察营地尝试进行谈判以直接化解冲突。 ecocn Mr Correapictured above has been remanded in prison, pending investigation. 科雷亚目前已被关押入狱,等候调查。 ecocn Mr Correa has antagonised many powerful groups during his presidency, but the police have fared fairly well. 科雷亚在他的总统任期里虽已得罪许多既得利益集团,但是对于警察部门却大为讨好。 ecocn Mr Correa wants to supervise more closely how the education budget is spent, and to improve the quality and consistency of teaching. 科雷亚想更严密地监督教育预算的花费情况,并改进教学质量和教学深度。 ecocn Mr Correa's strongest card is the discredit of his opponents in the traditional parties and their businessmen friends. 科雷亚先生的王牌是他在传统政党的那些臭名昭著政治对手及其商人朋友。 ecocn After the expulsion of America’s ambassadors to Venezuela and Bolivia, Mr Correa hastened to say that he would not be following suit. 美国驻委内瑞拉与玻利维亚的大使被逐出之后,科雷亚急忙地讲道,他不会步其后尘。 ecocn Documents released by a Spanish court indicate that for Francisco Correa, a Spanish businessman, bribery, fraud, money- laundering were all part of his way of doing business. 西班牙法院发布的文件中指出,弗兰西斯科•科雷亚,作为一名西班牙商人,多年来靠着行贿,欺诈,洗钱等手段经营自己的商业。 ecocn First Rafael Correa, the leftist economist, won the presidency. 首先拉斐尔科雷亚,左派经济学家,赢得总统宝座。 yeeyan FOR a man who calls his country’s legal system dysfunctional and corrupt, Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s president, has fared remarkably well in the courts. 对于一个认为其国家的法律制度是扭曲的和腐败的人而言,厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔•科雷亚在法庭上的表现无懈可击。 ecocn For their part, some of his supporters prefer to believe that Mr Correa is up against forces too powerful to defeat. 对他的一些支持者来说,他们更愿意相信,科雷亚先生正在和强大到难以击败的力量对抗。 ecocn He has greater faith in the current incumbent, Rafael Correa. 他对现在在任的拉斐尔·科雷亚更有信心。 ecocn However, it is unclear whether Mr Correa, who lacks a congressional majority, can force lawmakers to vote for them. 然而,科雷亚先生没有国会的多数支持,能否强迫立法者投票支持他尚未可知。 ecocn LDU’s main rival is now Emelec, the favourite team of President Rafael Correa. LDU的主要竞争对手现在是艾米力克,总统拉法尔•科雷亚最喜欢的球队。 ecocn On the streets, many people seem prepared to give Mr Correa and his assembly a try, but more for want of any other suggestions for ending chronic instability. 在街头,很多人看起来准备给科雷亚先生和他的议会一次机会,但更多人看起来希望有其他解决长期动荡的方法。 ecocn That would subject both lawmakers and Mr Correa himself to an early recall election. 这将使立法委员和科雷亚自己都倾向于提早举行罢免选举。 ecocn The country's international credit rating remains low, but no lower than it was before Correa's election, and it was even raised a notch after the buyback was completed. 该国的国际信贷评级仍然很低,但不再低于科雷亚当选总统之前的水平,在回购完成后,还上升了一个等级。 yeeyan Those same documents have also lifted the lid on Mr Correa’s extensive network of friends and clients inside Spain’s opposition People’s Party PP. 类似的一些文件中同时揭开了科雷亚在西班牙反对党——人民党内部的朋友和客户中的庞大的关系网的盖子。 ecocn WHEN Rafael Correa is mentioned in the foreign press, he is usually bracketed with Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and Bolivia’s Evo Morales as part of the leftist Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas ALBA. 国外媒体提及拉斐尔•科雷亚时总会将其作为左翼美洲玻利瓦尔联盟 ALBA的一份子与委内瑞拉总统查韦斯和玻利维亚总统莫拉莱斯相提并论。 ecocn |