

单词 corporatist
释义 cor·po·ra·tist 英ˈkɔːpərəˌtɪst, ˈkɔːprəˌtɪst美ˈkɔrpərəˌtɪst, ˈkɔrprəˌtɪstAHDkôrʹpər-ə-tĭst', kôrʹprə-tĭst' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁹⁰⁹³BNC²⁰⁵⁴⁴iWeb⁴⁶³⁹⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
a supporter of corporatism
of or relating to corporatism
用作形容词Capitalism lost much of its standing in the interwar period, when many countries in western continental Europe shifted tocorporatistsystems.在两次世界大战之间,资本主义失去了大部分声望,欧洲大陆上许多西欧国家转向了社团主义制度。
The country has been heading in the direction of an authoritarian, nationalistic,corporatiststate for some time.The war with Georgia could tip it over the edge.之前,这个国家已经走上一条专制主义,民族主义和社团主义的不归路,与格鲁吉亚的战争更进一步把他们推向深渊。 Ms Fernández had planned to use the national day to announce a corporatist“ social pact” on wages, prices and investment.
克里斯蒂娜总统曾计划利用国庆节宣布在工资、物价和投资方面的“社会公约”,这也正是社团主义者所大力倡导的。 ecocn

The French education establishment, and its1m-strong teaching body, is filled with powerful lobbies, which fiercely defend subjects, teachers, students and other corporatist interests.
法国教育机构和他100万强教师队伍,被他强有力的游说团体填充,他们坚决捍卫主体、教师、学生和其他社团的利益。 ecocn

But that is not the only EU on offer: a corporatist, cosy, populist union sounds very plausible to Europe’s ageing, anxious voters.
但这并非欧盟唯一可利用的:一个社团主义、温馨宜人、人口众多为一体的联盟听起来很受欧洲那些年老并心急火燎的选民的欢迎。 ecocn

Fascism is a political system that combines radical and authoritarian nationalism with a corporatist economic system.
法西斯主义是一种融合了激进、专制的民族主义与社团主义经济体制的政治体系。 snowpear

Just three decades earlier, IBM had quit India, which was in the grip of corporatist and nationalistic industrial policies.
而在30年之前, IBM还曾经放弃过印度,当时的印度被社团主义者和民族主义的产业政策牢牢地控制着。 ecocn

Left to their own devices, politicians built a rent-seeking①, corporatist② state.
只能靠自己想办法,政客们建立起了一个寻租的、社团主义的国家。 ecocn

Over the past ten years, under Vladimir Putin’s leadership, Russia has become more nationalistic, corrupt and corporatist.
过去十年,在弗拉基米尔·普金的领导下,俄罗斯变得更国家主义、腐败和社团主义。 ecocn.org

They were originally derived from the corporatist labour code of Mussolini’s Italy.
这些法令最初源自于墨索里尼时代义大利的社团劳工法令。 ecocn




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