

单词 Coronal Mass Ejections
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STEREO was launched to help scientists better understand coronal mass ejections.
它的启动就是为了协助科学家更好地理解日冕物质抛射。 yeeyan

Traditionally, there are coronal mass ejections, prominence eruptions, two- ribbon flares and other type large- scale explosive events occurring in the solar atmosphere.
太阳大气中通常有日冕物质抛射、日珥的爆发和双带耀斑等类型的大尺度爆发事件。 fabiao

Based on these, we believe that the magnetic flux eruption is probably an important mechanism in triggering loop-like coronal mass ejections.
据此我们认为,磁通量喷发可能是触发环形日冕物质喷射的一种重要机制。 cnki

The website contains imagery collected by two NASA spacecraft that together create“ stereo”3-D images of the sun's coronal mass ejections.
这个网站包含了由两台美国国家航空航天局的航天器收集到的图像。这两台航天器一起制作太阳日冕物质喷发的“立体”3维图像。 yeeyan

These coronal mass ejections, as they’re called, hit our atmosphere and can knock out power grids, cooking their transformers, which in turn knocks out our plasma screens and fries our chips.
这种我们称之为“日冕物质抛射”的太空来客进入大气层,破坏电网,烧毁变压器,进而烧毁我们的等离子显示屏和芯片。 yeeyan

Very large coronal mass ejections are thought to happen every500 years or so the most recent was in1859.
大规模的日冕大喷发被认为是大约每五百年发生一次最近一次发生在1859年。 topsage

When the charged particles from May’s coronal mass ejections reached Earth, they caused no damage, but they did generate sheets of colored light dancing across polar skies.
当带电粒子从日冕物质喷射到地球,他们并没有收到任何损坏,但他们在北极的天空产生了彩色的极光。 yeeyan

Coronal mass ejections have affected power stations in the past.
日冕物质抛射在过去已经影响过发电站的运作。 yeeyan




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