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词汇 coronal
释义 cor·o·nal 英ˈkɔːrənəl, ˈkɒr-, kəˈrəʊnəl美ˈkɔrənəl, ˈkɑr-, kəˈronəlAHDkôrʹə-nəl, kŏrʹ-, kə-rōʹnəl 高COCA³⁹³⁶⁴BNC⁴⁷⁵⁸⁰iWeb²⁵⁶⁴⁸

flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposescoronal prominence冕珥coronal suture of fetal head儿头冠状缝coronal odontoma连冠牙瘤coronal section冠状面coronal pulp牙冠髓,髓冠…coronal plate冠板, 壳板棘皮动…coronal cementum冠状牙骨质coronal cavity牙冠腔coronal process冠状突(起coronal suture额顶缝,冠状缝…
coron冠,冕-al…的形容词后缀→与冠冕相关或相似的→冠状的,日冕的,花冠的,舌尖音的⇒转作名词花环,花冠。近义词 wreath花圈garland花环chaplet花冠lei夏威夷人戴在颈上的花…

用作名词Twocoronalcells are attached to the zona pellicuda.两个红色冠细胞粘贴在透明带状物上。
Acoronalsection of a human brain is stained with hematoxylin and eosin.人脑冠部经过苏木精和曙红染色。as
同义词 headdresschaplet,circlet,coronet,diadem,garland,headband,wreathas in.garland
同义词 wreathbays,chaplet,crown,festoon,honors,laurel,palmas in.tiara
同义词 headband,headdresschaplet,circlet,coronet,diadem,garland,miter,wreathcrown jewels,royal crownas in.wreath
同义词 bouquet,garlandband,bay,chaplet,circlet,coronet,crown,festoon,laurel,lei,loop,ring,ringlet
crownnoun tiara for royalty
garlandnoun strand of material, usually hung
tiaranoun crown
chaplet,circlet,coronal,coronet,crown jewels,diadem,garland,headband,headdress,miter,royal crown,wreath
wreathnoun circular decoration
band,bay,bouquet,chaplet,circlet,coronal,coronet,crown,festoon,garland,laurel,lei,loop,ring,ringlet A powerful coronal mass ejection from the Sun caused auroras to be seen as far south as Wisconsin, USA.
来自太阳的强烈的日冕物质喷射使得连美国的威斯康星这么靠南的地方都能看到极光。 yeeyan

A coronal mass ejection can cause problems on Earth.
日冕物质抛射可能对地球造成各种影响。 yeeyan

An absence of sunspots also means an absence of solar flares and their more violent siblings, coronal mass ejections.
缺少太阳黑子也意味着太阳耀斑以及它们更强烈的同胞---日冕物质抛射的不存在。 yeeyan

STEREO was launched to help scientists better understand coronal mass ejections.
它的启动就是为了协助科学家更好地理解日冕物质抛射。 yeeyan

When significant amounts of plasma escape the Sun, the event is called a coronal mass ejection.
大量等离子体脱离太阳,这种现象被称作日冕物质喷发。 yeeyan

“ I think it’s important to point out that we have not solved coronal heating, but we have provided a piece of the puzzle,” he says.
“我认为有必要指出,我们还没有解决日冕是如何被加热的,但是我们离答案又近了一步”,巴特德巴日尔说。 yeeyan

A coronal mass ejection, a large solar storm, can expel a billion tons of matter at a million miles per hour or more.
一个日冕物质喷射,可以每小时在一百万英里释放一吨或者更多的物质。 yeeyan

Both flares and coronal mass ejections can create space weather if aimed at Earth.
太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射都能产生对地球有影响的空间天气。 yeeyan

Finally comes a coronal mass ejection, or CME, a slower moving cloud of charged particles that can take several days to reach Earth's atmosphere.
最后是日冕物质抛射,或是 CME,一阵雨携带带电粒子云可在几天内到达地球大气。 yeeyan

Giant eruptions from the sun called Coronal Mass Ejections cause“ space weather storms” which, if large enough, could lead to massive disruption of electric grids on Earth.
太阳表面物质的大喷发,即所谓的日冕物质抛射,导致“空间气象的风暴”,如果喷发的能量足够大,可能引起地球上电网系统的大规模破坏。 yeeyan

Most coronal mass ejections are more bulbous and wide: this one is quite narrow and contained.
绝大多数日冕物质抛射看起来是球根形的、宽的;而这次日冕则是很窄的并且包裹住的。 yeeyan

That behavior made them rather suspicious, but until now, there was no way to check whether they were at least part of the coronal heating puzzle.
这种行为使得它们更加可疑,但直到现在,我们都无从检验它们是否是日冕层温度之谜的答案,哪怕至少是答案的一部分。 yeeyan

The top image shows the beginning of the coronal mass ejection, while the lower image shows the solar matter leaving the Sun’s corona.
上图显示的是日冕物质抛射的开始,而下图显示的是太阳物质脱离日冕的景象。 yeeyan

The jury is still out on how much the spicules contribute to the coronal heat, but scientists agree it's an important step forward.
人们在这些针状体对日冕层温度的贡献多寡这个问题上依旧众说纷纭,但科学家们认为这是对谜团作出解释的重要的一步。 yeeyan

The event's simultaneous launch of particles into space is called a coronal mass ejection CME.
这种向太空同时抛射粒子的事件被称为冠状大喷发 CME。 yeeyan

These are called coronal mass ejections.
这被称为日冕物质抛射。 yeeyan

These distortions create features ranging from sunspots to spectacular eruptions known as flares and coronal mass ejections.
这种变形造就了太阳黑子以及耀斑和日冕物质抛射等壮观的景象。 yeeyan

This can create a brightening on the sun called a flare, and is also often accompanied by the release of a cloud of plasma called a coronal mass ejection CME.
它能在太阳上形成一个亮点称为耀斑,也经常伴随着等离子云的释放,称为日冕物质抛射 CME。 yeeyan

This photo shows a rare aurora australis over the Southern Indian Ocean, likely caused by a coronal mass ejection in April.
这张照片拍摄于南印度洋上空,罕见的南极光可能是四月份日冕物质向地球投射的结果。 yeeyan

When a coronal mass ejection reaches Earth, solar particles stream down our planet's magnetic field lines toward the poles.
当日冕喷射物质到达地球时,太阳粒子会沿地球磁场流向南北两极。 yeeyan

Coronal mass ejections have affected power stations in the past.
日冕物质抛射在过去已经影响过发电站的运作。 yeeyan




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