

单词 aficionados
释义 a·fi·cio·na·do·s 英əˌfɪʃə'nɑːdəʊ美əˌfɪʃə'nɑːdoʊ COCA²⁸⁹⁴⁹BNC³⁹¹²⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
a fan of bull fightinga serious devotee of some particular music genre or musical performer近义词 nut坚果fan风扇lover情人addict沉溺buff浅黄色devotee爱好者fanatic狂热者admirer钦佩者adherent追随者enthusiast热心人

用作名词Are you a video gameaficionado?你是一个游戏迷?
I am anaficionadoof science fiction.我是一个科幻小说迷。as in.lunatic fringe
同义词 energumen,extremists,fanatical group,fanaticos,fanatics,nuts,nympholepts,zealots
lunatic fringenoun holders of extreme views
energumen,extremists,fanatical group,fanaticos,fanatics,nuts,nympholepts,zealots A procedure familiar to aficionados of the movie Saving Silverman, the buttock implant is apparently making great inroads in the U. S.

Regular features include a “ Daily Gambling Fix” for Vegas wannabes and a “Daily Stat Line of the Night” for fantasy aficionados.
它也有一些固定不变的版块包括针对嗜赌者的“每日赌瘾治疗”针对幻想狂的“夜晚热线”. yeeyan

To these walkers we offer these20 alternatives to the same old30- minute indoor fat burners, as described by a number of indoor walking experts and aficionados.
我们提供以下20种方式。这些方式可以替代过去那些室内在室内进行30分钟的燃脂运动。 yeeyan

When it comes to wearing short skirts, the general consensus among fashion aficionados is that the condition of a woman’s knees should determine her hemline.
迷你裙的话,潮人们的共识是,女人的膝盖状况决定了裙子的高度。 yeeyan

Big ones entertain children and tiny ones tickle champagne aficionados.
孩子们喜欢大泡泡,香槟控则迷恋小细泡。 yeeyan

But Moore had a slice of advice for pizza aficionados who might want to cover their crust with mounds of fatty toppings like extra cheese, pepperoni, sausage and ground beef.
但摩尔对那些想在比萨外壳上加很多如奶酪、辣味香肠、腊肠或牛肉粒等浇头的比萨爱好者们提了一条建议。 cri

Chapoutier said that the petrol characteristic, which is often prized amongst Riesling aficionados, is a result of decomposition of the veins within the grape.
这种特殊的汽油味的产生是由于葡萄果实内部组织的分解,不过得到雷司令迷们的分外推崇。 yue9

Earlier efforts had been regarded as resources for gardeners, scientists, farmers and food aficionados rather than a tool for human survival.
先前的努力被视为园丁、科学家、农民和粮食爱好者们的资源,而不是一种为人类生存所用的工具。 yeeyan

Every year brings more attendance by both the curious and aficionados of nude art in all its forms.
每年都吸引了各种形式的参与者,有些是出于好奇心,更多的是出于对裸体艺术的爱好。 yeeyan

For that, you would turn to something quite familiar to compiler aficionados: the JDT's Abstract Syntax Tree AST framework.
因为您会转而使用一些对编译器迷而言十分熟悉的工具: JDT的抽象语法树 Abstract Syntax Tree, AST框架。 ibm

For embedded Linux engineers and aficionados, one exciting aspect of cloud computing is the sudden interest in thin Linux clients.
对于嵌入式 Linux工程师和爱好者,云计算的一个令人兴奋的方面就是它在瘦客户机上的应用。 ibm

Forget Tokyo. Design aficionados are now heading to Seoul.
忘记东京吧,设计爱好者正朝首尔进发。 yeeyan

However, it is just coming to the elementary stage for collectors and art aficionados of Southeast Asia.
然而,东南亚区域的收藏家与艺术爱好者,对于新媒体艺术的认识还属启蒙阶段。 www.mahoo.com.cn

Now some of you may be piercing aficionados, and I do not expect everyone to abide by my rare moments of lucidity.
现在你们中间一些人可能是穿洞迷,我也不希望大家忍受我难得的清醒时刻。 mtime

The couple, who have dated for five years, were veteran panda aficionados and by chance had been at the zoo the day Tai Shan was born.
这对儿恋人,已经相恋五年了,是老资格的熊猫狂热爱好者,而且碰巧的是在泰山出生的那天他们两都来了动物园。 douban

This has caused critics to grumble that despite their professed free- thinking, Apple aficionados are actually suffused with groupthink. It's an interesting irony.
这一点已引起了激烈的批评,更不用说他们标榜的自由思想,苹果的狂热者中弥漫着集体的思维,这简直是一种讽刺。 yeeyan

What's more, three of her uncles, all baseball aficionados, were buried at the site of a North Carolina field where they once played.
此外,他的三个叔叔都是棒球爱好者,都被埋葬在北加利福尼亚球场--他们曾比赛的地方。 yeeyan

Aficionados can instantly defer to gurus of the trade, like Robert Parker, whose reviews and ratings are also to hand.
热心人士还能随时听从葡萄酒专家如罗伯特•帕克,专家们的评论和对酒的评级也随手可得。 ecocn




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