

单词 aficionado
释义 a·fi·cio·na·do 英əˌfɪʃiːəˈnɑːdəʊ, əˌfɪsiː-, əˌfiːsiː-美əˌfɪʃiəˈnɑdo, əˌfɪsi-, əˌfisi-AHDə-fĭsh'ē-ə-näʹdō, ə-fĭs'ē-, ə-fē'sē- ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²²⁶⁸¹BNC⁵⁶³¹⁹iWeb¹⁴¹⁷⁸
a fan of bull fightinga serious devotee of some particular music genre or musical performer来自西班牙语。词源同affect, 指关心,友爱,后指着迷。a-不|无f-ic…的-ionado⇒n.迷;爱好者=afficionado近义词 nut坚果fan风扇lover情人addict沉溺buff浅黄色devotee爱好者fanatic狂热者admirer钦佩者adherent追随者enthusiast热心人

用作名词Are you a video gameaficionado?你是一个游戏迷?
I am anaficionadoof science fiction.我是一个科幻小说迷。noun.fan
同义词 connoisseur,devotee,enthusiast,fanatic
addictnoun one who is addicted, esp. to drugs
adherentnoun supporter or follower
advocate,aficionado,backer,believer,card-carrying member,devotee,disciple,enthusiast,fan,hanger-on
bon vivantnoun one who lives well
aficionado,connoisseur,connoisseur of food,connoisseur of wine,enthusiast,epicure,epicurean,gastronome,gastronomist,gourmand,gourmet,refined palate,social person
buffnoun enthusiast
connoisseurnoun authority
aesthete,aficionado,appreciator,arbiter,bon vivant,buff,cognoscente,critic,devotee,dilettante,epicure,expert,fan,freak,gourmet,judge,maven,nut,one into,savant,specialist
devoteenoun ardent supporter;fan
addict,adherent,admirer,aficionado,amateur,believer,booster,buff,disciple,enthusiast,fanatic,fancier,fiend,follower,groupie,habitué,junkie,lover,rooter,supporter,votarient,votary A modern world “ Coach House” for the automobile aficionado with two bedroom Guest House that has been designed to spoil your quests both with stunning Ocean and mountain Views.
为汽车迷准备的现世版“马车房”是有两间卧室的客房,设计精美,以绝妙的海山景色恩宠您的客人。 caimeiju

Former hippie, former jailbird, former aficionado of crack cocaine, Felix Dennis built one of the most successful privately owned magazine empires in the world.
做过嬉皮士,囚犯,可卡因成瘾者后, Felix Dennis建立的全世界最成功的私人媒体王国。 yeeyan

Matthew Baker, a shipping aficionado and New York tour guide, says Cunard and the city have a historic relationship.
马修•贝克是一名航运迷兼纽约市导游,他说冠达油轮和纽约有着历史意义上的关系。 yeshj

The days when a car aficionado could repair his or her own car are long past, due primarily to the high software content.
主要是因为大量软件的运用,汽车迷们能够修理自己汽车已成为历史,这主要通过软件的使用。 cnblogs

“ My husband, a carpenter, was laid off, ” says Ms. Braga, a fashion aficionado and former talk-show host.
“我的丈夫是一位木匠,他失业了”,时尚爱好者及前脱口秀主持人布拉加女士表示。 yeeyan

Although I am not an art aficionado, viewing all these wonderful works in the museum made for an enjoyable morning.
尽管我并不是一个艺术迷,但在博物馆中欣赏这些美妙的作品给一个美好的早晨足够的理由。 yeeyan

Although the cigar is intended for the fairer sex, Cigar Aficionado will be smoking them anyway.
尽管这种雪茄是专为女性吸烟者设计的,但雪茄迷无论如何都会品尝这种雪茄的。 tobaccochina

And also for years I’ve been an aficionado of the“ bus plunge” story, the 100- word filler in the newspaper that says, “ Peruvian bus plunges off cliff,50 people die.”
而且多年来我一直关注着各种“大巴跳水”事件的新闻——报纸上常见的那种百十来字的小豆腐块,标题上写着诸如“秘鲁大巴坠崖,50人死亡”之类的文字。 yeeyan

Chris Johnson, Phoenix area pimp and velvet hat aficionado, was listening in on a microphone worn by one of his girls when he heard something that made him angry.
Chris Johnson,菲尼克斯男妓,天鹅绒帽的狂热者,听着一个他的女孩顾客的耳机,然后他听到了非常非常让他生气的事情。 yeeyan

Did you hear about the New York education professor, the Singapore IT aficionado, the Spanish doctor and the Philippine economist who met up in Manila last week?
你听说过纽约的教育学教授、新加坡的 IT爱好者、西班牙的医生以及菲律宾的经济学家上周在马尼拉举行聚会的事情吗? dj.client.iciba.com

I just love you of countless aficionado, I just wanted to tell you, good refueling in China, we will support you!
我只是万千个喜爱你的舞迷中的一员,我只想告诉你,好好加油,我们在中国永远支持你! blog.sina.com.cn

I presented him with a golden anniversary gift any jazz aficionado would appreciate, a large portfolio of photographs of jazz musicians, autographed by the superb jazz photographer Herman Leonard.
我送给他一个任何爵士乐迷都会喜欢的极好的周年纪念礼品,由顶尖爵土乐摄影师赫尔曼·伦纳德亲笔签名的一大本爵土乐手相片册。 yeeyan

I'm a real opera aficionado.
我是个真正的歌剧迷。 mengyemy

If you give this trip to any space aficionado out there, he or she will love you forever.
如果你给这出有任何空间迷之行,他或她将永远爱你。 bugutang

Rick is a guitar aficionado and owner of a guitar shop, and he's hired your firm to create his guitar search tool.
Rick是吉他爱好者,吉他商店的老板,他雇用您的公司为他创建吉他搜索工具。 ibm

The audience for academic journals and collections of philosophical essays is limited, however, and so the essay tended to be passed along, samizdat style, from one aficionado to another.
学术期刊和哲学文集的读者有限,然而,就是这样这份论文传阅开来,以地下出版物的形式,从一个狂热爱好者到另一个。 yeeyan

This way, the game can allow self- selecting communities of every level of commitment, from casual gamer to the hard-core aficionado.
这样,玩家就能够自行选择适合每种玩家类型从休闲型玩家到骨灰级玩家的社区。 ibm

When growing bacterial cultures, biologists often mix cells in with nutrients in one big jar, then swirl, much like an aficionado over the latest vintage.
当作细菌培养时,生物学家通常将细胞和营养物质混合在一个大的广口瓶里,然后打旋,就像最近葡萄收获期的那些葡萄酒发烧友一样。 yeeyan




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