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词汇 Afghans
释义 Afghans ˈæfɡænz
And young Afghans can never imagine a peaceful future for themselves if the Taliban are not blocked from repeatedly blowing up those new schools and bridges.
同时,如果不能阻止塔利班势力对新建学校和桥梁的破坏,年轻的阿富汗人也无法想象一个和平的未来。 yeeyan

On any morning, you can stand on the steps of the Secondary Courthouse in downtown Kabul and listen to the Afghans as they step outside.
随便选个上午,你站在喀布尔闹市区次级法院台阶上,就可以与从里面出来的阿富汗人对话。 yeeyan

That's when the Afghans trounced a British invasion force, destroying all but one of16,000 troops sent to Kabul to teach the Afghan rulers a lesson.
当时,阿富汗人痛扁英国侵略军,将派往喀布尔的16,000人的部队几乎消灭干净,好好地给阿富汗的统治者上了一课。 yeeyan

The Asia Foundation's2010 public opinion survey shows that just under half of Afghans believe their country is moving in the right direction.
2010年的亚洲基金会民意调查表明,仅不到一半的阿富汗人相信他们的国家正朝着正确的方向前进。 yeeyan

The flight of Afghans from surrounding villages reduces the risk of killing civilians.
阿富汗人自周边村庄出逃,降低了杀害平民的风险。 ecocn

The UN takes the lead in all civilian efforts in Afghanistan, from humanitarian assistance for starving Afghans to paying the police force.
联合国在所有阿富汗的民间活动中起到带头作用,从为饥饿的阿富汗人提供人道援助到支付警察的工资。 yeeyan

A“ tactical directive”, issued at the start of Thrust of the Sword, says that winning the support of the Afghans overrides all else.
一个在打击之剑行动开始时下达的“战术指示”,表示赢得阿富汗人的支持胜过了其他一切。 ecocn

At that moment some Afghans approached.
就在那时,一些阿富汗人接近了。 ecocn

But once they do, she believes, all Afghans will benefit.
但是她相信,一旦如此,所有的阿富汗人都会受益。 yeeyan

But unlike Sunnis in Iraq, the Pashtun and the Taliban represent the majority of Afghans, at least in the south.
但不像伊拉克的逊尼派,至少在南部地区,普什图和塔利班代表绝大多数的阿富汗人。 yeeyan

But Afghans say the corruption they see now has no precedent, in either its brazenness or in its scale.
但阿富汗人认为,无论其无耻程度还是规模,他们所目睹的腐败都是前所未有的。 yeeyan

Mr Karzai may yet be able to regain his authority, as most Afghans will care more about what he does with power than about how he got it.
卡尔扎伊可能还能够赢回他的权力,就像比起他如何夺得权力,大部分阿富汗人更关心的是他会用这些权力做什么。 ecocn

None of the boys, who are Afghans but have lived in Pakistan all their lives, has an address or phone number for the man.
没有一个男孩是阿富汗人,但是他们都一直生活在巴基斯坦。他们没有那个人的地址和电话号码。 yeeyan

One thing is for sure: If we really want Afghans to attain the future they deserve, clinging to a fake version of their history won't help.
有一件事是肯定的:如果我们真的想要阿富汗人实现他们应该得到的未来,坚信虚假的历史起不了作用。 yeeyan

Ten years on, success will simply be the holding of ground in a grinding counter- insurgency that will increasingly be fought by Afghans and be paid for by Americans.
十年过去,成功将仅仅是支持折磨人的反暴乱机构,这个机构将越来越多地和阿富汗人作战并且由美国付钱支持该机构。 ecocn

The Afghans had been rough with him, he said.
他说,这些阿富汗人当时对他很是粗暴。 yeeyan

Today we can be proud that there are fewer areas under Taliban control, and more Afghans have a chance to build a more hopeful future.
如今,我们引以为豪的是:塔利班控制的地区已经减少,有更多的阿富汗人有机会建设一个更有希望的未来。 voanews

We are the ones who need a better- functioning democracy— more than the Iraqis and Afghans.
我们现在比伊拉克人和阿富汗人更需要一个运行良好的民主国家。 yeeyan

We seek government of Afghanistan by the Afghans themselves.
我们期望阿富汗人民建立自己的政府。 yeeyan

We support what the Afghans are doing.
我们支持阿富汗人正在做的努力。 voanews




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