

单词 Cornell
释义 Cor·nell 英kɔːˈnel美kɔrˈnɛlAHDkôr-nĕlʹ 高COCA⁹²⁵²BNC²⁴¹⁹⁸
Hedge, the Cornell professor, isn't a fan of all this standing.
康奈尔大学的海奇教授也不提倡站着工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The work at Cornell is testing hypotheses of insect propulsion and control.
在康奈尔大学的工作是测试昆虫的推进力和可控性。 yeeyan

But according to new research from Cornell University, tipping no longer serves any useful function.
但据康奈尔大学新的调查结果,小费现已不再具有任何实用的功能。 ebigear

Check it out for yourself here, from Cornell University Library.
你可以在康奈尔大学实验室的论文库中找到它。 yeeyan

Columbia allied itself with Yale and occupied Long Island, before getting routed by the Princeton- Cornell alliance.
在普林斯顿-康奈尔联盟进入进攻路线之前,哥伦比亚与耶鲁联合占领了长岛。 yeeyan

For example: Harvard is crimson, Temple is cherry and white, and Cornell is purple and white. However, other than the lining, the hood must be black.
比如:哈佛大学是赤红色的,天普大学是樱桃色和白色,康奈尔大学是紫色和白色,然而,除了衬里,披肩的其他部分必须是黑色的。 putclub

I'm currently the chief medical officer and chief operating officer at New York Presbyterian, Weill Cornell.
现在我是纽约长老会医院,威尔康奈尔医学中心,的首席医疗官和首席运营官。 v.163.com

Justice Ginsburg was born in Brooklyn in 1933, graduated from Cornell in 1954 and first attended law school at Harvard, where she was on the law review.
金斯伯格1933年出生于纽约布鲁克林,1954年毕业于康奈尔大学,之后进入哈佛法学院学习,并在哈佛法律评论工作。 yeeyan

Michael Latham of Cornell University, reviewing the history of such handouts, speaks of“the great vitamin- A fiasco”.
康奈尔大学的迈克尔莱瑟姆,梳理了发放维生素的历史,说这是“伟大的维生素 A的惨败“。 ecocn

Mr. Grout left his family’s farm for Cornell and spent eight years as a graphic designer in Boston.
格鲁特先生离开他的家族农场去到了康奈尔并在波士顿当了八年的图形设计师。 yeeyan

One of his direct great-grandfathers, Thomas Cornell, was hanged in 1667 for murdering his mother.
他的曾祖父辈之一,托马斯-康奈尔,1667年因谋杀自己的母亲被绞死。 yeeyan

Since Dr Farah's discovery, Gary Evans and Michelle Schamberg of Cornell University have studied the phenomenon in more detail.
由于法哈博士的这一发现,康奈尔大学的加里·埃文斯和米歇尔·尚博格对此进行了更详细的研究。 edu.sina.com.cn

Steven Maranz, a researcher at Weill Cornell Medical College, was given a grant to look at the effect of chocolate on the malaria parasite.
史蒂芬.马冉子,威尔康乃尔医学院的研究员,获得了研究巧克力在疟疾寄生虫上的作用的拨款。 yeeyan

The scientists, from the Universities of Chicago and Cornell, in New York, have labelled the problem “ partner betweenness”.
来自纽约芝加哥大学和康奈尔大学的科学家把这种情况定义为“中间配偶”。 edu.sina.com.cn

The team also included two researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a Cornell University scientist.
该小组有两名研究人员,一位来自美国疾病控制与预防中心,另一位是美国康奈尔大学的科学家。 yeeyan

Cornell researchers found that when eating at a buffet-style restaurant, obese diners were 15 percent more likely to choose seats with a clear view of the food.
康奈尔大学的研究者发现当你吃自助餐的时候,肥胖者比普通人更有15%的倾向于坐在可以直接看到食物的座位上。 afxkdn.com

Cornell University:I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.
康奈尔大学:让任何人都能在这里学到想学的科目。 iciba




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