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词汇 corneal
释义 cor·ne·al 英'kɔ:niəl美'kɔ:niəl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶²⁴⁰⁹BNC⁵²³⁷⁷iWeb¹⁷⁶⁶²

of or related to the corneacornea角膜corneal grafting角膜移植术corneal nebula角膜云翳corneal trephine角膜环钻corneal macula白斑corneal space角膜间隙corneal pigmentation角膜色素沉着…corneal ulcer角膜溃疡corneal graft医 角膜移植片…corneal stroma角膜基质corneal endothelium角膜内皮corneal perforation医 角膜穿破…corneal dystrophy角膜营养不良…corneal microscope角膜显微镜corneal reflex角膜反射,睑闭反射…corneal fistula角膜瘘corneal staphyloma角膜萄葡肿corneal limbus角膜缘corneal facet角膜小眼面, 角膜小…corneal opacity前谷,角膜混浊…

用作形容词She had undergone thecornealtransplants.她接受了角膜移植的手术。 A pterygium is an elevated, superficial, external ocular mass that forms over the perilimbal conjunctiva and extends onto the corneal surface.
翼状胬肉是一种高出表面的,表浅的,外在的眼部肿块,其形成于角巩缘处的结膜,并延伸至角膜表面。 yeeyan

A corneal ulcer causes pain, discomfort, and, in some cases, blurry vision.
角膜溃疡可引起疼痛,不适,在某些病例还可引起视物模糊。 yeeyan

New astigmatism caused by wrinkling in the corneal flap or other flap complications.
由角膜瓣褶皱所造成的散光或其他角膜瓣的并发症。 yeeyan

The image shown demonstrates the effects of a severe chemical injury with early corneal neovascularization.
如图所示为严重化学伤后早期发生的角膜新生血管形成。 yeeyan

With the use of blue light, the fluorescein defect of a corneal abrasion may be more pronounced and will appear yellow- green shown.
使用钴蓝光进行观察,角膜擦伤的荧光素染色缺损处会变得更加明显并呈现出黄-绿色如图所示。 yeeyan

Acids tend to cause less damage than alkalis as many corneal proteins bind acid and act as a chemical buffer.
酸所造成的破坏要弱于碱性物质,因为许多角膜蛋白质可结合酸并起到化学缓冲的作用。 yeeyan

Close follow-up is necessary because of the risk of developing a corneal ulcer.
由于存在发展成角膜溃疡的风险,因此密切的随访是必须的。 yeeyan

Complete cicatrization of the corneal surface may eventually develop shown.
最终可能会导致角膜表面的瘢痕愈合如图所示。 yeeyan

Debris in the eye can lead to corneal abrasions, which can ultimately damage your vision.

Dry eyes, foreign body injuries, and prolonged contact lens wear are all commonly associated circumstances for the development of a corneal abrasion.
干眼症、异物损伤、以及长时间佩戴隐形眼镜均是导致角膜擦伤发生的常见相关情况。 yeeyan

Fluorescein staining reveals the characteristic dendritic pattern of ulcers which represent areas of denuded corneal epithelium.
荧光素染色可发现特征性的树枝形状溃疡,染色区域的角膜上皮脱落。 yeeyan

Have a disease or abnormality of the cornea, such as keratoconus or corneal edema.
角膜有异常或病变,比如圆锥角膜或角膜水肿。 yeeyan

If left untreated, it may lead to corneal abrasions, corneal scarring, microbial keratitis, and loss of vision.
若不治疗,它可能会导致角膜擦伤,角膜瘢痕,微生物性角膜炎,甚至失明。 yeeyan

In addition, more and more people turn to highly- promoted but risky corneal surgery, such as Lasik, in an effort to get rid of the glasses.
另外越来越多的人要求提高治疗水平,不过角膜手术很危险,如 Lasik,力求摘除眼镜。 yeeyan

In the image shown, trichiasis has caused corneal scarring and loss of vision.
在图中,倒睫已经造成了角膜瘢痕和失明。 yeeyan

Look for a corneal specialist or surgeon who does the surgery often.
请让一名角膜专家或经常做该手术的外科医生为你进行手术。 yeeyan

Patients in whom appropriate therapy fails or corneal involvement develops should be referred to an ophthalmologist.
对于那些上述治疗方法失败或病变影响角膜的病人来说,应建议其至眼科医生处就诊。 yeeyan

Sand in the eye can be a painful experience that may lead to scratches on the eye corneal abrasions or an eye infection.
眼睛进沙是非常痛苦的,它会造成眼睛瘙痒角膜擦伤或眼部感染。 hxen

Suddenly, Graepel was struck by searing and blinding pain in his right eye. It turned out to be a chronic problem called“ recurrent corneal erosion syndrome.”
突然, Graepel感到了灼烧一样,他的右眼开始眩晕疼痛,这实际上是种慢性病称作“复发性角膜侵蚀综合症”。 yeeyan

The results indicate that explant cultures and corneal stroma can promote the growth of epithelium.
结果表明:组织块培养及角膜基质对上皮的生长有促进作用。 jukuu

The treatment for a corneal ulcer is antibiotic drops applied frequently to the eye.
角膜溃疡的治疗主要为频繁使用抗生素滴眼液。 yeeyan

They occur when there is a breakdown in the integrity of the corneal epithelium.
该情况发生于角膜上皮的完整性受到破坏时。 yeeyan

Usually corneal reactions occur soon after starting the drug and disappear a few weeks after it is withdrawn.
通常角膜的异常发生在服药之后,停药后这种发应就会消失。 yeeyan

Corneal abrasions are one of the most common, but also most neglected, eye injuries.
角膜擦伤是最常见的,却也是最容易被忽视的眼部外伤。 yeeyan

Corneal abrasions typically heal without serious complications over time with supportive care: ice compresses and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops.
一般来说只要使用支持疗法——如冰敷及非甾体类消炎眼药水——角膜擦伤便会随着时间愈合且不遗留并发症。 yeeyan

Corneal tattooing is usually used for patients that have had trauma to their eye, not for this, which is called body modification.
眼角膜上的刺青一般用于那些眼球外伤的病人,而不是单纯为了刺青,这可以称为“身体改造”。 yeeyan

Corneal ulcers are severe infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
角膜溃疡是由细菌,病毒,或真菌造成的严重感染。 yeeyan

Corneal ulcers occur most often in patients who use extended- wear soft contact lenses.
角膜溃疡最常发生于长期使用软性角膜接触镜的病人。 yeeyan




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