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词汇 cores
释义 cores.


the hard centre part containing the seeds of certain fruits


the most important or central part of anything

a small group of indispensable persons or things;

five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program

the center of an object;

the ball has a titanium core

the central part of the Earththe choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience;

the gist of the prosecutor's argument

the heart and soul of the Republican Party

the nub of the story

a cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drillan organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equalitythe central meaning or theme of a speech or literary workcomputer science a tiny ferrite toroid formerly used in a random access memory to store one bit of data; now superseded by semiconductor memories;

each core has three wires passing through it, providing the means to select and detect the contents of each bit

the chamber of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes placea bar of magnetic material as soft iron that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil
remove the core or center from;

core an apple

core, centre, middle, midst


1.middle指距离两端或两边相等距离的中央或中间部分,也可指一段时间或行动始末的中间一段; midst指空间、时间、事物、人群等的中间; core指果实的果心; centre指空间的方、圆等位于中心的位置。例如:

There is a double writing table in the middle of the room.房子中间放着一张双人写字台。
He was elected from the midst of the prisoners.他是从犯人中选出的。
The core of the apple is hard.苹果核是硬的。
This building is at the centre of the city.这座大楼坐落在市中心。

2.core引申为“精髓”“核心”或“重要部分”; centre则引申为重要活动或事物的中心。例如:

We didn't get to the core of the subject.我们没触及问题的核心。
The core of our appeal is freedom of speech.我们呼吁的中心是要言论自由。
She loves to be the centre of interest.她喜欢成为引人注意的中心人物。center,middle,heart,core,midst







用作名词 n.
动词+~get to the core触及核心形容词+~hard core碎砖石,硬果核介词+~at the core在核心to the core十分,彻底地~+介词core of the matter事情的本质core of the problem〔subject〕问题〔论题〕的核心
用作名词 the core

十分,彻底地 thoroughly; completely

近义词 heartcentersubstance
用作名词n.An apple core is the part of an apple left after the flesh has been eaten.苹果核是在苹果肉吃完后剩下的部分。
He didn't get to the core of the subject.他没有触及问题的核心。
The core of our appeal is freedom of speech.我们呼吁的中心是要言论自由。
用作名词Thecoreof our appeal is freedom of speech.我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
He is American to thecore.他是个地地道道的美国人。
He ate the plum, and threw thecoreaway.他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。
Let's get to thecoreof the argument.咱们进入实质性的辩论吧。
This concept is at the verycoreof her theory.这个概念是她理论的核心。 As you can see, up to6 cores per JVM the maximum throughput increases at a near- liner trend.
您可以看到,每个 JVM最多6 个内核时,最大吞吐量是以接近线性的方式增长。 ibm

During the summer of2011, they hope to draw cores from beneath the Chukchi Sea, just north of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia.
到2011年夏天,他们希望能在位于阿拉斯加和西伯利亚之间的白令海峡正北部的楚科奇海下面提取岩心。 yeeyan

As you may know, the world of computing is changing, and we are seeing machines that consist of many cores multicore.
正如您所知,计算世界正在改变,并且我们看到越来越多的计算机采用多个内核多核。 ibm

But stars like our sun swell into bloated red giants when the nuclear fuel in their cores is depleted.
但是,像太阳这样的恒星,当核心的核燃料耗尽时,就会发生膨胀,成为胀大的红巨星。 yeeyan

Clock speed of the processor cores handling the request on both sides.
处理双方请求的处理器核心的时钟速度。 ibm

Event Processing: The cores of event processing are the engine and the event occurrence data.
事件处理:事件处理的核心是引擎和事件发生数据; infoq

For each number of available cores, a step-up test was performed to establish the maximum possible throughput.
对于每一种可用内核数,我们会执行一个递增测试来确定最大可能吞吐量。 ibm

For simplicity, these examples do not consider the number of cores on the processor.
简而言之,这些例子不考虑处理器上核心的数量。 ibm

If one of the cores modifies its copy, all the other copies have to be updated.
如果一个核心修改了这个副本,那么其它副本也必须更新。 yeeyan

Newer systems also have CPUs with multiple cores.
较新的系统还会具有多内核的 CPU。 ibm

Stars like our sun fuse hydrogen in their cores into helium.
太阳一类的恒星在其核心将氢融合成氦。 yeeyan

Stars like our sun fuse hydrogen in their cores into helium. White dwarfs are stars that have burned up all of the hydrogen they once used as nuclear fuel.
太阳一类的恒星在其核心将氢融合成氦。而白矮星则是将其曾用作核燃料的所有氢原子都燃烧殆尽的恒星。 yeeyan

The researchers based their study on ice age land and ocean surface temperature obtained by examining ices cores, bore holes, seafloor sediments and other factors.
研究人员将他们的研究基于冰河时期陆地与海洋的表面温度,通过检查冰核心,钻井,海底沉积物和其他因素。 yeeyan

This is an inherently serial strategy, however, and does not take advantage of all those expensive cores.
但是,这本质上是一种串行战略,且不利用那些昂贵的核心。 ibm

Without any electricity, the pumps won’t be able to pump water through the hot reactor cores to cool them.
水泵在没有电力的情况下将无法工作,这样热反应堆堆芯就无法得到冷却。 yeeyan

You have to use those cores.
您需要使用这些内核。 ibm




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