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词汇 Corazon Aquino
释义 Corazon Aquino
Asia s first female PresidentCorazon Aquinowho led the Philippines for six years has died of cancer at the age of 76.亚洲的第一位女性总统阿基诺死于癌症,享年76岁。阿基诺总统执政菲律宾6年。
Former Philippine PresidentCorazon Aquinoled a march in Manila today with around five thousand protesters calling for Ms. Arroyo's resignation.前总统阿基诺星期五领导大约5000名抗议者在马尼拉街头游行,要求阿罗约辞职。
But this time, they were joined by two former presidents,Corazon Aquinoand Joseph Estrada, who know something about street protests.然而,本次示威活动却有前总统阿基诺CorazonAquino和埃斯特拉达JosephEstrada参与,而两者却又对街头抗议活动深有体会。
The “people power” movement that sweptCorazon Aquinointo the presidency was felt not just in the Philippines but also across the world.将Aquino推向了总统的职位的人权运动,不仅在菲律宾而且在全球都是公正合理的。
Catholic nuns encircle the casket of former Philippine PresidentCorazon Aquinoat the Manila Cathedral in Manila, Philippines, on Monday, Aug. 3.天主教修女围着菲律宾前总统科拉松阿基诺在在菲律宾首都马尼拉的马尼拉大教堂的棺椁,星期一,8月3日。
PresidentCorazon Aquino, center, faces a crowd of more than a million in Rizal Park in Manila on March 2, 1986, holding a proclamation restoring the right of habeas corpus.1986年3月2日,科拉松阿基诺总统,在马尼拉黎刹公园面对超过100万的群众,举行了一项公告,宣布恢复人身保护权。




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