

单词 copycats
释义 cop·y·cat·s 英'kɒpikæt美'kɑːpikæt COCA⁶¹⁶⁶⁰BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
someone who copies the words or behavior of anothercopy cat盲目的模仿者…
近义词 ape猿mimic模仿aper模仿者reproduce再生emulator仿真器imitator模仿者

用作名词He called me acopycatjust because my schoolbag looks like his.只因为我的书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。
She is just acopycatwho follows her sister's lead in everything.她只是个盲目模仿别人的人, 什么都跟她姐姐学。
China still suffers from its reputation of being acopycatmanufacturer.中国仍然受累于“山寨”仿造品制造者的声誉。用作形容词Officials now fearcopycatattacks .官员们现在怕会有类似的袭击。 Are you worried about all the sample- sale copycats?
你是否为所有样品销售的仿冒者感到烦恼? yeeyan

However DST fares, it seems to attract copycats.
DST的成功引来许多模仿者。 yeeyan

The best copycats, the tournament suggests, are those that sample widely, and ruthlessly compare the available options against each other.
这次竞赛表明,最好的模仿者,是那些广泛尝试,并且一丝不苟地将每一种可用选择都进行比较的人。 yeeyan

But competition is intense, and the company has had to face down the copycats, which Mr. Quek feels cannot be avoided in China.
但行业竞争也相当激烈,“面包新语”还得去应付各种“山寨”货色。 这种现象在中国尤其无法避免。 yeeyan

Debates are raging on the legitimacy of online copies, instant links and downloads, and data base copycats.
对于网上复制、快速链接和下载、数据库复制问题的争论愈来愈激烈。 ebigear

In a country choked with polluting factories, the authorities do not want to encourage copycats.
在一个被污染环境的工厂弄得喘不过气来的国度,当局不想助长效仿之风。 yeeyan

Inevitably, copycats have arrived, and investors are pushing and shoving to get in early on that action, too.
不可避免,仿冒随即而到,投资者在这些项目上也是推波助澜。 yeeyan

Many copycats are unaware of the seriousness of their crime.
许多“模仿猫”对其罪行的严重性一无所知。 infos.edulife.com.cn

Now, my team and I hate copycats.
现在,我的团队和我都痛恨那些盲目模仿的节目。 yeeyan

Oded Shenkar, a China specialist at Ohio State University and author of“ Copycats: How Smart Companies Use Imitation to Gain a Strategic Edge, ” said none of this is especially odd.
奥戴德·什卡尔是俄亥俄州立大学的中国专家,曾写过《盗版商:用仿造演绎战略边缘》。 yeeyan

Rather, he insists, firms once derided as copycats and scofflaws should be seen as essential allies in entering new markets.
相反,他坚持认为,应当把那些曾经被嘲笑为盲目模仿和屡屡违规的公司看作进入新市场的主要同盟。 ecocn

Some of the sellers of copycats admit the phones are a scam.
有些销售商称这些“仿制手机”是欺骗消费者。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Something is happening, but the detectives cannot tell if it is the work of a single serial criminal or if there are copycats at work.
一些事情正在发生,但警探们不知道是同一个案犯在作案,还是有人在盲目模仿。 yeeyan

The copycats will be less expensive than the originals, but they will never be cheap.
这些仿制药绝不会比专利药昂贵,但肯定也不会便宜。 yeeyan

There's already a world of copycats.
已经出现了一群模仿者。 yeeyan

Without it, they just get permanently shut out of the Chinese market, leaving the door open to Chinese copycats.
没有它,中国市场对他们来说,就是永远的关闭,拱手让给了中国的复制者。 yeeyan




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