释义 |
Copper Minerals 基本例句 铜矿物 Majorcopper mineralsare chalcocite and covellite which tightly associate with fine pyrite.由于原矿品位低,铜的回收率对该矿的开发利用意义重大。 Ore minerals in the Colorado-type deposits are of uraninite and coffinite, with associated vanadium andcopper minerals.科罗拉多型矿床中的铀矿物为晶质铀矿和水硅铀矿,与之共生的还有钒,铜矿物。 The maincopper mineralsare malachite, chrysocolla, little chalcopyrite, chalcosine and even little bornite and covellite.矿石主要含铜矿物为孔雀石、硅孔雀石,少量的黄铜矿、辉铜矿及极少量的斑铜矿和铜蓝等。 As a result, partcopper mineralswere recovered firstly,improving of Cu-S separation were realized ,and final copper indexes were increased.这种药剂与合理工艺相组合的新型工艺已成功应用于德兴铜矿、冬瓜山铜矿和越南生权铜矿等铜矿山。 Along the Gambia river,the heavy minerals are characterized by the presence of ilmenite,rutile and zircon as well as accompanied native gold, lead andcopper minerals, etc.冈比亚河沿岸重矿物以钛铁矿、金红石、锆石为其特征,并伴有自然金、铅族、铜族等矿物。 |