

单词 copies
释义 cop·ies 英'kɒpɪz美'kɒpɪz COCA⁴⁹⁷⁷BNC²⁴⁴⁷Economist⁴⁷⁴⁹
名词 copy:
a reproduction of a written record e.g. of a legal or school recorda thing made to be similar or identical to another thingmatter to be printed; exclusive of graphical materialsmaterial suitable for a journalistic account
动词 copy:
copy down as isreproduce someone's behavior or looksreproduce or make an exact copy ofmake a replica ofHave you made enoughcopies?你复制的份数够吗?
There were a good fewcopiessold on the first day.第一天就卖了许多本。
I enclose herewith twocopiesof the contract.随函寄上合同副本两份。
The record was a big hit and sold a millioncopies.这张唱片非常成功,卖了一百万张。
The publisher has printed10000copiesof the book.这本书出版社已印了10000册。
The shop ordered 20copiesof the book and now it can't get rid of them.该店定购了20本这种书,现在却无法脱手。
The edition is limited to 500copies.该版限出500本。
We makecopiesof our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.我们复制了计算机磁盘以防意外。noun.duplicate, imitation
同义词 image,model,photocopy,photograph,portrait,print,replica,reproduction,transcript,typePhotostat,Xerox,archetype,carbon,cast,clone,counterfeit,counterpart,ditto,effigy,ersatz,facsimile,forgery,impersonation,impression,imprint,likeness,microfiche,mimeograph,miniature,mirror,offprint,parallel,pattern,reflection,replication,representation,reprint,rubbings,similarity,simulacrum,simulation,study,tracing,transcriptioncarbon copy,ectype,hard copy
反义词 original,difference,dissimilarity,opposite,unlikenessorigination,sourceverb.duplicate
同义词 plagiarize,transcribe,rewrite,imitate,photocopy,reproduce,paint,repeat,replicate,simulaterepresent,sketch,manifold,mirror,dupe,limn,fake,mold,counterfeit,portray,depict,engrave,forge,paraphrase,picture,draw,trace,clone,Xerox,reflect,carbon,cartoon,delineate,ditto,engross,sculptureknock offmimeo,reduplicate,Photostatstat
反义词 be originalturn off,repulse,ignore,rejectverb.imitate
同义词 repeat,emulate,mimic,simulate,steal,pirate,illustrateecho,do,incarnate,prefigure,personify,parrot,typify,mirror,phony,epitomize,ape,burlesque,travesty,fake,embody,follow,model,parody,mock,shamknock off,take off,follow suit,act like,do a take-off,do like,follow example,go like,make like,play a role,take leaf out of book
反义词 be original tell truthneglect Defiantly, and with typical generosity, he shared his findings with the world, sending out reagent kits and copies of his patent to anyone who wanted to carry forward his research.
为突破这一状况,他以特有的慷慨向世界公开了他的发现,他将专利复印件和试剂盒发给任何一个想要推进他的研究的人。 ecocn

A closed package copies all the files from the source host and places the content on a central distribution serve.
一个关闭的包从源主机复制所有的文件,将这些内容放置到一个中心分配服务器上。 ibm

Another approach to replication is to share copies of the serialized session data with one or more other servers in the cluster.
另一种复制方式是与群集中的一个或者多个其他服务器共享序列化的会话数据副本。 ibm

At this point both client and server have copies of shared session key.
现在,客户端和服务器都有了共享会话密钥的副本。 ibm

But if both copies of a breast gene are abnormal, they no longer can stop abnormal growth.
但如果乳房基因的两个副本都是异常的,它们就不再能阻止异常生长。 yeeyan

Data replication moves copies of data from one location to another location.
数据复制使数据的副本从一个位置移到另一个位置。 ibm

For example, overweight customers who find they have two copies of TCF7L2 really do have something to think about.
例如,那些找到他们有两个 tcf7l2副本的体重过重的顾客的确要做一些认真的思考。 ecocn

Herewith we are sending you a written contract under seal in two copies.

If one of the cores modifies its copy, all the other copies have to be updated.
如果一个核心修改了这个副本,那么其它副本也必须更新。 yeeyan

If there's infinitely many universes, then surely there are other copies of you and me having this conversation.
如果存在着无限多个的宇宙,那么肯定存在着你和我这次谈话另外的副本。 yeeyan

In essence, because G1 compacts as it proceeds, it copies objects from one area of the heap to the other.
本质上,由于 G1在处理同时做压缩,它将对象从堆的一个地方拷贝到另一个地方。 infoq

It is acceptable, though not required, to remove unwanted keys from copies of the sets above.
从上述的集合副本中删除不必要的键,是可接受的,但并不是必需的。 ibm

It merely copies data from one field to another.
仅仅将一个字段的数据复制到另一个字段。 ibm

It can send transactional work to any of the database copies based upon availability, system utilization, or its synchronization state.
它可以根据可用性、系统利用率或同步状态将事务性工作发送到任何数据库副本。 ibm

Once it is clear which files and directories have changed, it then copies only those items to the destination.
在查明哪些文件和目录已经修改了之后,它只把这些文件和目录复制到目标位置。 ibm

Some type of replication solution is the simplest method to create and synchronize these copies.
有些类型的复制解决方案是创建和同步这些副本的最简单方法。 ibm

The script is very effective and the only downside is that it requires two copies of the informationthe reference directory and the encrypted version instead of just one.
这个脚本非常有效,惟一的缺点是它需要信息的两个拷贝参照目录和加密版本,而不只是一个。 ibm

These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
如果您发布软件的副本,或者对之加以修改,这些限制就转化成为您的责任。 blog.sina.com.cn

This means two copies of the data are available: one in each half of the cluster.
这意味着数据的两个副本都可用:集群的每一半各一个。 ibm

We have to run off a few copies of the letter on the duplicating machine.

Will you rush off another5 copies?




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