

单词 affidavits
释义 affidavits ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪts COCA³⁷⁸²⁶BNC³⁶²⁹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.律宣誓书;经陈述者宣誓在法律上可采作证据的书面陈述affidavit的名词复数原型affidavit的复数 A refusal to rely upon affidavits and written reports in such hearings could defeat the basic purposes of the programs.
在此类听证中若拒绝依赖宣誓书和书面报告就会破坏这些项目的基本目的。 jukuu

The Florida attorney general is investigating three law firms for allegedly providing fraudulent affidavits that identify who holds the original mortgage note in foreclosure cases.
佛罗里达司法部长调查了三家律师事务所,因为怀疑其提供欺诈性的宣誓书,确定其在丧失抵押品赎回权案件中保留原始抵押票据。 aitrans

Ms. Thomas and three other Wells Fargo employees have given affidavits for the city’s lawsuit against the bank, and their statements about bank practices reinforce one another.
托马斯女士和另三位富国银行的员工已经针对银行递交了城市诉讼的宣誓作证书,他们陈述的有关银行的做法互为补充充实。 yeeyan

Nothing is lacking: official reports, affidavits of well-known people, of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates; the judicial proof is most complete.
没有任何东西能被遗漏掉:官方报道,知情者的口供,外科医生的证明,牧师的证词,法官的证言。所有司法上的证据都完备了。 putclub.com

On Friday, the company went further and said procedural errors were made in certain affidavits required by some states as part of the foreclosure process.
在星期五,公司进一步说过程上的差错由被一些州要求作为取消抵押品赎回权过程的部分某些宣誓书造成的。 aitrans

The appeal was adjourned for affidavits to be obtained.

The woman offered written affidavits proving that she was the widow of Pancho Villa.
这女人提供书面证书,证明自己是庞科·比亚的遗孀。 iciba

Two affidavits even claim that Erik Prince, Blackwater’s founder, was involved in the murder of a possible informant.
两份书面陈述甚至指出黑水公司的创始人埃里克·普林斯涉嫌谋杀一线人。 yeeyan

Affidavits from two attorneys or counselors at law in India.
两名印度律师或法律顾问出具的保证。 renren

Affidavits and Chain of Custody from the Testing Laboratories: Sampling Sources, Sampling Procedures, Chain of Custody;
宣誓书及测试实验室的监管链:取样来源、取样程序、监管链; proz




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