释义 |
Cooper pairs 基本例句 库柏对 The density of the cooper pairs moving in a steady magnetic field has a proba-blest distribution in space.库珀对粒子在稳恒磁场中运动时有最可几的密度分布. This detector measures the number ofCooper pairsbroken when energy is deposited into the superconductor.这种探测器可计算瓦解的古柏对数目,藉以测定进入超导体的能量。 Number-phase quantization scheme for LC circuit and Josephson junction'sCooper pairs;.引用该论文 范洪义;王继锁;唐绪兵;梁宝龙. A superconducting pair-breaking detector therefore must be able to distinguish betweenCooper pairsand quasiparticles.所以超导体配对瓦解型探测器必须具备分辨古柏对和准粒子的能力。 Explanation by showing that the helium-3 atoms form pairs in the same way that electrons formCooper pairsin the BCS theory of superconductivity.不久以后,利盖特提出了一种解释,解释表明氦-3原子以超导电性BCS理论中电子形成库柏对同样的方。 The quantum fluctuations, distributions, and second correlations ofCooper pairsand Josephson superfluidity in the two cases are discussed.讨论了两种情形下库珀对与约瑟夫森超流性的量子噪声、分布及二阶相关特性。 |