

单词 cooperatively
释义 co·op·er·a·tive·ly 英kəʊ'ɒpərətɪv美koʊ'ɑːpərətɪv 高COCA²⁹⁶⁹⁷BNC⁶⁵⁰¹⁰iWeb²¹³⁸⁰

willing to cooperate; helpful


made done, or worked by people acting together

a jointly owned commercial enterprise usually organized by farmers or consumers that produces and distributes goods and services and is run for the benefit of its ownersan association formed and operated for the benefit of those using it
involving the joint activity of two or more;

concerted action

the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind

the conjunctive focus of political opposition

a cooperative effort

a united effort

joint military activities

done with or working with others for a common purpose or benefit;

a cooperative effort

willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreementcooperative society合作社cooperative game合自策,合作博奕…cooperative control协作控制cooperative economy合作社经济cooperative rotation协同旋转cooperative insurance合作保险cooperative communication合作通信cooperative multitasking协调式多工consumer cooperative消费合作社cooperative management共同经营管理…cooperative enterprise法 合作企业…producers cooperative生产合作社cooperative marketing共同销售cooperative effect合作效应cooperative bank合作银行cooperative farm合作农场cooperative commerce合作社商业cooperative response合作反应cooperative phenomenon合作现象
近义词 concertedcollective反义词 uncooperative
~+ n.We thank you for your cooperative efforts.我们感谢你方努力合作。
The farmer and his neighbors decided to establish a cooperative farm.这位农场主和他的邻居决定成立一个合作农场。
S+be+~The teacher said her pupils were very cooperative.那位老师说她的学生非常配合。
The workmen are very cooperative, so the work goes on smoothly.工人们十分合作,所以工作进展顺利。
S+V+O+~The doctor found the patient very cooperative.医生发现病人很能同他配合。


用作形容词We found him friendly and cooperative.我们感到他是友好的,乐于合作的。
They are trying to adopt a more cooperative posture.他们正试图采取更为合作的态度。用作名词They decided to set up a cooperative.他们决定开办一家合作社。as in.en masse
同义词 all at once,as a body,as a group,as a whole,as one,collectively,communally,en bloc,ensemble,in a group,in chorus,in unison,jointly,together,unanimously,unitedly,wholly,with one voiceas in.internationally
同义词 universallyinterculturally,interreliantly,multiculturallyas in.jointly
同义词 accordingly,collectively,in tandem,mutually,simultaneously,together,unitedlyconjointlyagreeably,alike,arm in arm,coincidentally,combined,companionably,concomitantly,concurrently,connectedly,en masse,hand in glove,hand in hand,harmoniously,in a group,in common,in company with,in concert,in conjunction,inextricably,in league,in partnership,inseparably,intimately,in unison,reciprocally,side by side,similarly,synchronically,with one anotheras in.mutually
同义词 commonly,jointlyreciprocallyall at once,as a group,by agreement,by contract,conjointly,en masse,in collaboration,in combination,in conjunction,respectivelyas in.unanimously
同义词 collectively,commonly,consistently,universallyagreeingly,all together,communally,concertedly,concorantly,consensually,harmoniously,in agreement,in unison,nem con,nemine contradicente,popularly,undisputedly,unitedly,without dissent
en masseadverb all together
all at once,as a body,as a group,as a whole,as one,collectively,communally,en bloc,ensemble,in a group,in chorus,in unison,jointly,together,unanimously,unitedly,wholly,with one voice
internationallyadverb globally
jointlyadverb as one
accordingly,agreeably,alike,arm in arm,coincidentally,collectively,combined,companionably,concomitantly,concurrently,conjointly,connectedly,cooperatively,en masse,hand in glove,hand in hand,harmoniously,in a group,in common,in company with,in concert,in conjunction,in league,in partnership,in tandem,in unison,inextricably,inseparably,intimately,mutually,reciprocally,side by side,similarly,simultaneously,synchronically,together,unitedly,with one another
mutuallyadverb together
all at once,as a group,by agreement,by contract,commonly,conjointly,cooperatively,en masse,in collaboration,in combination,in conjunction,jointly,reciprocally,respectively
unanimouslyadverb of one mind
agreeingly,all together,collectively,commonly,communally,concertedly,concorantly,consensually,consistently,cooperatively,harmoniously,in agreement,in unison,nem con,nemine contradicente,popularly,undisputedly,unitedly,universally,without dissent The resources of thousands and thousands of computers can be cooperatively managed through collaboration toward a common objective.
为了共同的目标,通过协作可以协同管理数以千计的计算机资源。 ibm

And many libraries work cooperatively, around the world, to provide virtual reference desks24-7.
而且,全世界范围内的许多图书馆互相合作,提供7乘24小时的不间断咨询平台。 yeeyan

Both sides agreed on the need to work cooperatively and with other partners towards a successful Doha Round at the WTO.
双方同意有必要与其他伙伴共同推动世界贸易组织多哈回合谈判取得成功。 putclub

Chinese-foreign cooperatively- run schools shall use Renminbi instead of any foreign currencies in calculating and collecting tuition and other fees.

It requires a whole other set of people skills to work cooperatively, but it’s well worth the effort.
合作需要另外一套完整的人际关系来完成,但是这是值得的。 yeeyan

Not surprisingly, Mr Dudley would like the EMEs and the rich world to cooperatively“move toward arrangements that put us on a mutually sustainable path”.
能够预料到的是,达德利希望新兴市场经济体与富国能够携手合作使双方都能走上一种互利的可持续发展之路。 ecocn




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