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词汇 coop
释义 coop. ku:p
=cooperation 合作,协作,协同作用,=cooperative 合作的,协作的,合作团体

a farm building for housing poultryan enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals can be kept来自古英语,源自拉丁语cupa桶,中空之物,和单词cup杯子同源。coop up禁闭fly the coop突然秘密地离开或逃走…chicken coop鸡窝coop.=cooperat…
cop 警察,抓住;小心警察把你抓到笼子里,象鸡笼子般
GRE难词记忆coop→coup n.政变→鸡笼里的政变coupn.政变⇒鸡笼里的政变近义词 run跑nest巢pen钢笔hut小屋cage笼子house房屋hencoop鸡笼cell单人牢房dwelling住处henhouse鸡舍enclosure附件hutch兔笼chicken coop鸡窝

用作名词He is mending the wire mesh in front of the chickencoop.他正在鸡笼前面修理铁丝网。用作动词We have tocoopthe dog up all day.我们只得把狗整天关起来。noun.pen
同义词 birdcage,cage,corral,enclosure,hutch,mew,poundverb.confine
同义词 cage,corral,intern,keep,pen,trapclose in,detain,enclose,fence in,hem in,hold captive,hold prisoner,impound,imprison,incarcerate,lock up,put under lock and key,shut in,shut up
apartmentnoun set of rooms for rent
accommodation,cave,chambers,cold-water flat,condo,cooperative,crash pad,den,digs,dump,flat,living quarters,lodging,pad,penthouse,rental,residence,suite,walk-up
big housenoun penal institution
big cage,big school,brig,calaboose,can,city hotel,cooler,coop,correctional institution,detention facility,house of correction,house of detention,icebox,jail,joint,penitentiary,prison,slammer,tank,up the river
boothnoun small enclosure or building
cagenoun enclosure with bars
cellnoun small room, container
encloseverb put inside, surround
block off,blockade,bound,box up,cage,circle,circumscribe,close in,confine,coop,corral,cover,encase,encircle,encompass,enfold,enshroud,environ,fence,fence off,hedge,hem in,imbue,immure,implant,impound,imprison,include,induct,insert,intern,jail,limit,lock in,lock up,mew,mure,pen,restrict,set apart,shut in,veil,wall in,wrap And if there are no predators, there's really no need for a coop.

Make sure you get a rounded chicken coop, and make sure it’s at least twenty feet high and twenty feet deep.
你还要准备一个圆形的鸡笼,保证至少20英尺高,20英尺深。 yeeyan

The father takes a job for less money in the country, and they get into gardening and have a chicken coop.

The game“resembled very closely events overseas that involved friends of ours that had been killed, ” Coop said.
游戏“非常接近有关我们死去的朋友的事件,” Coop说。 yeeyan

The percentage who flew the coop in2010, at 4.3%, is approaching2007 pre- recession levels, and PwC's researchers expect that to double, to 8.7%, by 2013.
2010年优秀员工跳槽率为4.3%,已经接近2007年经济衰退前的水平。普华永道的研究人员预计,截至2013年,这一比率将增加一倍,达到8.7%。 fortunechina

After my brother and sisters flew the coop, I frequently traveled as an only child with my parents.
在我哥哥和姐姐离开后,我经常单独随着父母奔走。 yeeyan

Her father dragged an old chicken coop up to the smokehouse and improvised a makeshift homestead that sheltered the family for over a year. Eight people slept in two beds.
她的父亲拖来一个很旧的鸡笼,把它放在了熏制间上,临时建成了这样的一个小屋,这个小屋为我们遮挡了一年的风雨,当时8个人只能睡在两张床上。 yeeyan

I immediately put on shoes, flew into the yard, found in chicken coop where the old hen's body under a large, round eggs.

It's out in second edition. It's available at The Coop.
这是第二版,在 the, coop可以买到。163

Join a community farm or grocery coop.
加入社区农场或杂货鸡舍。 yeeyan

Lift the suspension coop vacant load for 300mm and stop.
将吊笼空载提升300毫米左右高度停止。 dcjzjx

Male birds feed their young in some species, but they forget about them once they fly the coop.
有些雄鸟喂养自己的后代,可惜孩子飞走后,就忘了它们的模样。 yeeyan

Mozilla recently announced Project Coop, which is a social network service for your browser sidebar.
Mozilla最近公布了名为“ Project Coop”的为浏览器边栏设计的社会网络服务。 yeeyan

My hen house is an Eglu, the first and only chicken coop to be featured in ID magazine.
我的鸡舍来自 Eglu,第一款也是唯一一款登上 ID杂志的鸡笼。 yeeyan

Others might say it’s a bit like shutting the coop door after the hen has scarpered.
其他则有人认为,这有点像鸡跑了才来关鸡舍门。 ecocn

Put the suspension coop on the base, install suspension shaft and hand crane.
将吊笼放到底座上,装上吊杆及手摇起重机。 dcjzjx

Switzerland's two largest food retailers- Migros- Genossenschafts- Bund and Coop Schweiz- said Thursday they are considering price increases for products that contain wheat.
瑞士两大食品零售商 Migros- Genossenschafts- Bund和 Coop Schweiz周四说,它们正在考虑上调含小麦的食品价格。 ecocn

Test the condition of all the welding parts especially rope-break safety instrument and welding seam of suspension coop safety inserting block.
检查各焊接部位的情况特别是断绳安全装置和吊笼安全插块部位的焊缝情况。 dcjzjx

The prince waited until her father came, and then he told him that the unknown girl had jumped into the pigeon coop.
王子等在外面不肯离去,一直到她父亲回家时,王子才上前告诉他,说那位他在舞会上遇到的不知道姓名的姑娘藏进了这间鸽子房。 hjenglish

The coop has ballooned from just20 members three years ago to nearly300 today.
合作社在成立后的三年里已经从20人发展到差不多300人的规模了。 voanews

Yellow paint was dripping off the north side of the Atlas Building in downtown Columbus, Ohio promoting Coop’s paint.
仿佛打翻了油料桶,在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的阿特拉斯大厦的北面,黄色油漆顺着墙面滴落下来。 yeeyan




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