

单词 cooks
释义 cook·s 英kʊk美kʊk COCA¹³⁴³²BNC¹⁸⁸⁸⁹Economist¹⁶²¹⁹
vt. & vi. 烹调,煮,烧

stew sth on fire

vt. & vi. 编造; 篡改

make sth cheat sb

vi. 发生

happen as a result of plotting


a person who prepares and cooks food

someone who cooks foodEnglish navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands 1728-1779
prepare a hot meal;

My husband doesn't cook

prepare for eating by applying heat;

Cook me dinner, please

can you make me an omelette?

fix breakfast for the guests, please

transform and make suitable for consumption by heating;

These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes

tamper, with the purpose of deception;

Fudge the figures

cook the books

falsify the data

transform by heating;

The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle


❌ Shall I cook some noodles to you?

✔️ Shall I cook some noodles for you?

✔️ Shall I cook you some noodles?


cook, fix, get, make, prepare


cook只用于食品而不用于饮料; 其他几个词都可以用于饮料。make和get可以互换; 而prepare和fix则强调准备的过程。例如:

She is cooking in the kitchen.她在厨房里做饭。
Let me fix you a drink!我来为你倒杯饮料。
He got〔made〕 himself a cup of coffee.他给自己冲了杯咖啡。
You shouldn't have troubled yourself to prepare such a feast!你本不该准备这样丰盛的饭菜,这样太麻烦你了。
cook, cooker

cook和cooker意思不同, cook是“厨师”的意思,而cooker的意思是“炊具”。在美式英语中,相当于cooker的词是stove和range。例如:

His wife is a good cook.他妻子很会做饭。
I prefer gas cookers to electric ones.电气炊具和煤气炊具比起来,我更喜欢煤气炊具。直接源自古英语的coc;最初源自古典拉丁语的coquus,意为做饭,消化。
用作动词 v.
~+名词cook meal做饭cook meat烧肉cook sb's goose破坏别人的计划cook vegetables烹调蔬菜~+副词cook alive活活地烹煮cook enough煮得够熟cook too long煮得时间太久cook well煮得很棒cook excellently烹调得好cook nicely烹调得法cook quickly容易烧熟cook slowly慢慢地煮cook thoroughly煮得熟透cook out在外面烹调cook up很快煮好;编造~+介词cook by boiling清炖cook for蒸煮cook over hot charcoal在炭火上烧cook to烹调得…用作名词 n.动词+~employ a cook雇用厨师fire a cook解雇厨师hire a cook聘请厨师train a cook培训厨师work as a cook当炊事员形容词+~chief cook大厨师excellent cook烹调技术高超的厨师,出色的厨师short-order cook专做快餐的厨师splendid cook高超的厨师名词+~head cook大厨
cook out v.+adv.

在室外做饭 cook food out of doors

cook outSometimes we cook out.我们有时在外面做饭。
We're cooking out tonight; it's too hot indoors.今夜我们在屋外做饭,屋里太热了。
cook up v.+adv.

编造 invent; think of

用作名词n.short-order cook

快餐 snack

too many cooks

厨师多烧坏汤; 人多反倒误事 if too many are involved in sth, which will not be done properly

近义词 bake烤make做fry油煎simmer炖heat热度brew酿造stew炖汤boil沸腾fake假的roast烤肉grill烤架steam蒸汽fudge软糖waiter侍者prepare预备servant仆人fix使 … 固定ready准备好的manipulate操纵misrepresent误称falsify伪造,篡改wangle用计谋等得到…James Cook库克1728-1779…
S+~+AEvery woman should learn to cook.每一位妇女都应该学会做饭。
I will cook all day tomorrow.明天一天我来做饭。
These apples cook well.这种苹果适于蒸煮。
What's cooking?发生了什么事?
Something was cooking, but what, how, why?肯定有事发生了,可是什么事呢?是怎么发生的?又为什么发生呢?
S+~+ n./pron.She is cooking the fish.她在煮鱼。
He cooked his meals on a gas stove.他在煤气灶上做饭。
Who will cook the dinner?谁来做晚餐?
He is quite capable of cooking the evidence.筹划这个广告足以证明他很有才能。
The dinner was well cooked and incredibly plentiful.晚餐做得很好,而且特别丰盛。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Mother cooked us a good meal.妈妈给我们做了一顿可口的饭。
Could you cook us meat tonight?今天晚上你能给我们做肉吗?
I cooked myself a simple breakfast.我给自己做了一顿简单的早饭。
Shall I cook you some food?我给你做点吃的好吗?S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.Cook a meal for me, please.请为我做一顿饭。
Could you cook this meat for him?你能给他做这些肉吗?
Please cook a cake for the little boy.请给这个小男孩做个蛋糕。其他v -ing as Attrib.Everybody is being secretive:there's something cooking.每个人都鬼鬼祟祟的,一定出了什么事情。用作名词n.I'm not much of a cook.我厨艺不佳。
Were you the cook?是你做的饭吗?
The cook had made noodles for me.厨师为我煮了面条。
The cook is in charge of the kitchen helper.这位厨师负责管理帮厨工。
The cook was an expert at making sauces.那位厨师是调制味汁的能手。
The cook chopped the vegetables in the kitchen.厨师在厨房里切菜。
The cook has made you a splendid birthday cake.厨师为你做了一个极好的生日蛋糕。
The cook keeps everybody out of kitchen while he is working.厨师干活时,不让任何人进入厨房。
The cook tastes everything to see if it is all right.厨师品尝每样东西看看它的味道好不好。
He's no mean cook.他可不是个一般的厨师。
She is the very worst cook I have ever encountered.她的确是我所遇到的最糟糕的厨师。
We dismissed the cook because her cooking was so poor.我们解雇了厨师,因为她的烹饪技术太差。
We have secured a first class cook.我们已经请到了一位第一流的厨师。
We discovered her a good cook.我们发现她是一个很好的厨师。





cook up常可用于借喻,意为“编造”。




用作名词Thecookwent to see the cake left in the oven.炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了。
They engaged acookfor the summer.那个夏天他们雇了一个厨子。
He was acookbefore his demobilization.他复员以前是一名炊事员。用作动词Will shecookdinner this evening?她今晚要做晚饭吗?
I found it a great trouble tocookby myself.我发现自己煮是一件很苦恼的事。
Do you want your vegetablescookedor raw?你要把蔬菜煮熟还是生吃?
They are trying tocookup an excuse to implement their proposal.他们正在努力编造一个理由好实行他们的计划。
He was sent to prison forcookingthe books.他因窜改帐目而入狱。 THE most telling indicator of the prospects of Silicon Valley's technology firms is now clear. It is the cooks.
衡量硅谷科技公司的是否具有前景的最好指示器现在已经非常清晰了——那就是它公司的厨师。 ecocn

The cooks are tired and will cook your dinner right away.
厨师已经很累了,肯定会立即将你的菜做好。 edu.sina.com.cn

Alice cooks with electricity.
艾丽丝用电做饭。 hjenglish

At home, she cooks over a stove.
在家的时候,她在炉子上做饭。 hjenglish

He also set up a “ food studio”, where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends.
他还给厨师们设立了“食品工作室”,旨在发明新配方来响应当地流行趋势。 hjenglish

It has scans of original cookbooks from1650, with all the cooks' notes.
它拥有从1650年开始的所有厨师笔记的原食谱扫描。 yeeyan

It wasn't as if acquiring a basic Australian qualification allows cooks or hairdressers to earn far more money in India or Nepal.
这并不是因为获得一个澳洲初级资格职业认证就能让厨师或者美发师在印度或尼泊尔能大赚其钱。 yeeyan

Many fine cooks consistently produce wonderful meals without ever using a food processor, blender, microwave, juicer or even a coffee maker.
许多厨师可以一贯的做出绝妙的餐点而不使用食物处理器,搅拌机,微波炉,榨汁机甚至咖啡机。 yeeyan




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