

单词 convinced
释义 convinced 英kən'vɪnst美kən'vɪnst ★★★☆☆高TCOCA⁵¹²¹BNC³⁴⁸³iWeb⁶³⁴⁰Economist³¹⁶⁵
persuaded of; very sure;

were convinced that it would be to their advantage to join

I am positive he is lying

was confident he would win

having a strong belief or conviction;

a convinced and fanatical pacifist

convince使确信be convinced that确信, 承认be convinced of确信
convinc-ed如|被…的⇒adj.信服的⁴⁰;确信的⁶⁰近义词 firm公司sure肯定的strong强烈的induced感应的certain确定的staunch坚定的earnest认真的positive积极的confident自信的converted转换的committed忠诚的determined坚定的satisfied感到满意的wholehearted全心全意的influenced动词influence的…swayed动词sway的过去式,动…反义词 unconvinced不信服的

用作形容词I'm quiteconvinced.我很相信。
I'm notconvincedyour idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment.我还没想通是否你的意见可行,不过我先考虑一下。
I amconvincedof his honesty.我对他的诚实深信不疑。
I am not at allconvincedabout that.我根本没法确信此事。adj.converted
同义词 indoctrinated,persuadedtalked into something
believingadjective trusting
accepting,assuming,certain,having faith,positive,presuming,sure,undoubting
certainadjective confident
clearadjective certain in one's mind
cleareradjective certain in one's mind
clearestadjective certain in one's mind
confidentadjective certain;sure
assured,convinced,counting on,expectant,having faith in,hopeful,optimistic,positive,sanguine,secure,sure,upbeat Have I convinced you?

He ultimately convinced them to join him by suggesting that the elephant was in fact an embodiment of Lord Ganesha.
谢卡瓦特向他们暗示大象实际上是格涅沙神的化身,从而最终说服他们加入。 ecocn

After the second or third time I griped about a misbehaving router, one of my friends convinced me to try DD- WRT.
在第二次或第三次我疲于应付一台制造麻烦的路由器以后,我的一位朋友说服我尝试 DD- WRT。 ibm

Assuming people were not utterly convinced on an unconscious level that the experiment was for real, an alternative explanation is in order.
假设在无意识层面上人们并不完全相信这个实验是真的,那么还有另一种解释是可行的。 yeeyan

Because, I should get this out there, I’m absolutely convinced all of that stuff really happened.
因为,我想求证,我绝对的相信所有这一切真的就这样发生了。 yeeyan

But are you convinced of it?
但是,你对此坚信不移吗? yeeyan

But not everyone was convinced there was something new to be learned from the exhibition.
然而不是每个人都确信可以从展会中获知一些新东西。 cri

By the end of it you might be convinced never to program in assembly language ever again.
在阅读完本文之后,您可能会确信再也不会用汇编语言编写程序了。 ibm

Have I convinced you yet?
我是否已经说服你了呢? hjenglish

He is more convinced than ever that his experiment worked and detected life on Mars.
他比以往更加确信他的实验是有成效的,在火星上发现了生命。 yeeyan

He convinced me of the difficulty of the work.

However, I was so convinced it was a great book that I started knocking on doors.
不过,我非常相信它是一本好书,所以我开始到处去敲门。 yeeyan

If you are a developer who thinks that you do not have the background or education to write effective requirements, I hope this article has convinced you otherwise.
如果你作为开发人员,感到由于缺乏足够的背景和训练,难于写出有效的需求,我希望本文已说服你改变了观点。 ibm

If you buy organic, what convinced you to do so? If you don't buy organic, why don't you?
如果你买有机食品,是什么说服你去这样做?如果你不买有机食品,那是因为什么? yeeyan

Not everyone is convinced but the truth is they have been reasonably predictive, to this day.
不是每一个人都相信,但真相却是它们曾经合理地给出过预言,对今天。 yeeyan

Over half are convinced of this.
半数的美国人坚信这点。 yeeyan

So he set up shop for a new company in his garage in suburban Seattle, and convinced a few Microsoft colleagues to join him.
为此,他在西雅图郊区的自家车库里创建了一家公司,说服了几个志同道合的同事一同参与进来。 yeeyan

Some will never be convinced, of course.
当然,有的人永远不会被说服。 yeeyan

They had no motive, but they were convinced the fire had been set.
他们没有动机,但是却确信这场火灾是人为所致。 yeeyan

Usually, they are beginning to see some of the benefits even if they are not completely convinced.
通常情况下,即使他们还不完全相信变革,但他们开始看到变革所带来的一些好处。 yeeyan

Convinced of the accuracy of the data, they stuck to their opinion.




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