

单词 affectionate
释义 af·fec·tion·ate 英əˈfekʃənɪt美əˈfɛkʃənɪtAHDə-fĕkʹshə-nĭt ★☆☆☆☆高研IST四八COCA¹⁸⁶⁹²BNC¹³⁷¹⁸iWeb¹⁴²⁵²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

having or displaying warmth or affection;

affectionate children

a fond embrace

fond of his nephew

a tender glance

a warm embrace

词根词缀: af-临近 + -fect-做,作 + -ion名词词尾 + -ate形容词词尾词根记忆affect感情-ion行为|动作|状态-ate象…的⇒adj.充满感情的⁸⁰;示爱的²⁰adj.充满深情的;温柔亲切的;强烈倾向的;任性的;表示关爱的;慈爱的;感情深厚的;有感情的;多情;痴情的;重感情的;富有情义的;满怀柔情;爱怜的;恩爱的;亲热的;钱博士affection喜爱,感情+ate来自拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,等于ed,在此构成形容词⇒具有/显露出喜爱之情的
affection感情+ate⇒感情深的⇒﹝深情的词根记忆affection感情+ate近义词 love爱nice好的sweet甜的in在 … 里warm温暖的kind亲切的fond溺爱的giving给予feeling感觉in love相爱caring关怀的loving亲爱的tender温柔的ardent热心的erotic性爱的cordial兴奋剂earnest认真的sincere真诚的amiable和蔼的devoted投入的amorous多情的fervent热情的friendly友好的attached附加的fatherly父亲的chatty爱闲聊的romantic浪漫的amicable友好的lovesome可爱的enamoured珍爱的doting百依百顺的solicitous热切的passionate热情的sensuous感觉上的hearty亲切友好的lovey-dovey多情的understanding理解sympathetic同情的lovesick害相思病的warm-hearted热诚的companionable友善的touchy-feely使人动心的amatory〈文或谑〉色情的…demonstrative易流露感情的…tender-hearted心肠软的; 慈善的…soft-hearted心慈的; 宽厚的; 仁慈…

He gave her knee anaffectionatepat/He gave her anaffectionatepat on the knee.他深情地拍了一下她的膝盖。
She gave her mother anaffectionatehug.她紧紧拥抱著她的母亲。
He enfolded the child in anaffectionateembrace.他疼爱得把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。
She tried to be anaffectionatewife.她试图做个温柔体贴的妻子。adj.having or showing fondness
同义词 caring,friendly,loving,sympathetic,warm,warmheartedall over,attached,crazy over,dear,devoted,doting,fond,huggy,kind,lovey-dovey,mushy,nutty about,partial,soft on,tender
反义词 aloof,cold,cool,uncaring,unfeeling,unfriendly,unsociableantagonistic,disliking,undemonstrative
appreciativeadjective understanding, recognizing worth
brotherlyadjective friendly
chummyadjective friendly
cordialadjective friendly, sociable
demonstrativeadjective expressive, communicative
devotedadjective committed, loyal
adherent,affectionate,ardent,behind one,caring,concerned,consecrated,constant,crazy about,dear,dedicated,devout,doting,dutiful,faithful,fervid,fond,gone on,lovesome,loving,staunch,steadfast,stuck on,thoughtful,true,true-blue,wild about,zealous And it is with that faith, and the high hopes I have for the enduring power of the American idea, that I offer the people of my beloved home a very affectionate thanks.
带着这一信念和美国理想的不朽力量,我向我亲爱的家乡人民表达我最深情的感谢。 yeeyan

On the other hand, the possible side-effects of writing affectionate letters are not that worrying, unless you count paper cuts.
另一方面,饱含感情的书信写作可能的副作用比并不那么令人烦恼,除非你心疼信纸花费。 yeeyan

The reader cannot help wondering if she would have written quite such an affectionate book had Mr Strauss-Kahn's arrest taken place before it was published.
读者们禁不住思考如果在这本书出版之前,斯特劳斯·卡恩已经被捕,她还会完成这本深情脉脉的作品吗? ecocn

After her with a strange man outside affectionate, David and his girlfriend in their car doing the same thing.
之后在她与一名陌生男子在外面亲热之时,大卫和女友在自己的车上做着同一样的事。 iciba

Also, over half the players described female trainers with words like “ caring”, “nurturing” and“ affectionate”.
另外,超过半数的运动员在描述女性教练时都会用到“体贴”,“关心”和“充满感情的”之类的词。 hjenglish

Although they had a warm phone relationship, Ney only saw him once or twice a year, and he wasn't very physically affectionate.
尽管他们经常通过电话联系, Ney每年只见他1-2次,并且很少有身体亲热接触。 yeeyan

And so, for all the shower sex haters out there ahem, including right on this site, here are my top10 reasons why shower sex is affectionate, practical, and hot.
所以,各位淋浴性爱的憎恨者也包括喜爱者,以下是10个为什么淋浴性爱是充满感情的,实用的和热烈的的原因。 yeeyan

Brown- eyed people, like actor Johnny Depp, were also thought to be more affectionate and kind.
那些像影星约翰尼·戴普一样长着一双褐色眼睛的人,同时也被认为更深情,更亲切。 cri

But James, too, isn't very affectionate.
但是 James也很少有身体亲热接触。 yeeyan

Cats are warm and affectionate creatures to us, but viewed through the eyes of birds and mice they are vicious predators.
对我们来说,猫是热情又充满深情的动物,但是在鸟儿和老鼠看来, 猫是恶毒的食肉动物。 kekenet

Happy couples are pleased to be seen together and are often in some kind of affectionate contact — hand on hand or hand on shoulder or knee or back of neck.
幸福伴侣们总是很高兴被看到在一起,那时他们常常有一些深情的互动——手牵手,或者手搭在肩上、膝盖或颈背。 yeeyan

He had ruined for a while every hope of happiness for the most affectionate, generous heart in the world; and no one could say how lasting an evil he might have inflicted.
世界上一颗最亲切、最慷慨的心,就这样让他一手把幸福的希望摧毁得一干二净;而且谁也不敢说,他造下的这个冤孽何年何月才能了结。 ebigear

I now take an affectionate leave of you.
现在我要充满深情地离开你们。 kekenet

It's just affectionate parrying.
只是深情调侃。 yeeyan

More than half of those polled said their partner was no longer the ' affectionate and giving' person they were when they first started dating.
超过一半的受访者说,他们的伴侣不再像约会之初那么“充满柔情和乐于付出”。 hjenglish

Most notably, they became more affectionate rather than more aggressive when in the holding areas.
最明显的是当它们在等候区时,变得更加有爱,而不是富有攻击性。 ecocn

Sir Frank is affectionate, but not uncritical.
弗兰克先生充满深情但不无批判。 ecocn

The tone is jaunty and affectionate, a blend of Yes Minister and The King's Speech, fuelled by flashbacks bobbing us back through authorised history.
影片的调子是轻快且深情的,是《是,部长》和《国王的演讲》的混合,倒叙的方式把我们带回到那段真实的历史。 yeeyan

When Britten heard a Mahler symphony, he would drop an affectionate note to the composer’s widow in California; when old friends died he found exactly the right things to say to their spouses.
布里顿听到马勒的交响乐后,提笔给加利福尼亚的马勒遗孀写了一封饱含深情的信;每当老朋友黯然离世,他都会言辞巧妙地安慰其家人。 ecocn

You might have guessed by now that my father was not an affectionate man.
读到这里,你或许已经猜到我的父亲不是一个很有感情的人。 yeeyan




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