

单词 affection
释义 af·fec·tion 英əˈfekʃən美əˈfɛkʃənAHDə-fĕkʹshən ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝牛46八COCA⁷¹¹³BNC⁵¹²¹iWeb⁷¹⁵⁵Economist⁹²⁸⁰


feeling of fondness; love

a positive feeling of liking;

he had trouble expressing the affection he felt

the child won everyone's heart

the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home






发音释义:ə'fɛkʃən n. 喜爱,感情;影响;感染
结构分析:affection = affect影响、感动+tion名词后缀→喜爱、感动、情感
用作名词 n.
动词+~cherish an affection for怀有对…的爱display affection示爱feel an affection for sb喜欢某人gain sb's affection得到某人的爱retain sb's affection记住某人的爱return sb's affection回报某人的爱情set one's affections on sb钟爱某人show much affection for animals非常喜欢动物win sb's affection得到〔赢得〕某人的爱形容词+~deep affection深深的爱great affection极大的爱intense affection强烈的感情keen affection深切的爱mutual affection相思paternal affection父爱strong affection深深的爱warm affection温暖的爱介词+~display of affection爱心的流露show of affection爱心的流露~+介词affection for对…的爱affection for the children对子女的爱affection towards对…的爱
非常记忆affect影响+i我 I+on上⇒对他的钟爱影响了我在是非问题上的判断GRE红宝书affect 影响,感动→心的感动导致感情→不少女生这样由感动变成爱恋af =ad=to+fect 做+ion 表名词,动作或状态⇒喜爱,爱,热爱非常记忆affect影响+ ion ⇒ 爱是最有影响力的感情词根记忆affect+ion=感动=感情来自affectv.影响;感染近义词 lovefeeling反义词 aversioncoldness
用作名词n.He has a deep affection for his old friend.他对老朋友感情很深。
He shows much affection for animals.他非常喜欢动物。
The General transferred hisaffections to the other girl.那军官爱上了另一个姑娘。
Unfortunately she placed heraffections on the wrong man.很不幸,她爱错了人。
He showed her no love but little affection.他对她仅有一些感情而并非爱情。
He is suffering from an affection of the ear.他正患耳疾。Paffectionala.感情方面的Pdisaffectionn.不满不平背叛Paffectionatelyad.挚爱地亲切地Paffectionatea.深情的充满情爱的





用在英语古旧用法中, affection还可表示“疾病”。

用作名词He's so susceptible that she easily gained hisaffection.他易受感情影响,所以她很轻易就得到了他的爱。
You appear to me to allow nothing for the influence of friendship andaffection.我觉得你未免否定了友谊和感情对于一个人的影响。
Don't squander youraffectionon him, he'll never love you.不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。
He's so susceptible that she easily gained hisaffection.他易受感情影响,所以她很轻易就得到了他的爱。
Heraffectionfor him is deeply rooted.她对他的爱很深。
Every mother hasaffectionfor her children.每个母亲都爱她的孩子。noun.strong fondness
同义词 care,closeness,desire,devotion,emotion,feeling,friendship,good will,kindness,love,passion,sentiment,tenderness,warmthardor,attachment,case,concern,crush,endearment,friendliness,hankering,heart,inclination,itch,liking,predilection,propensity,regard,shine,solicitude,weakness,yenamore,puppy love,soft spot
反义词 carelessness,dislike,hate,hatred,indifference,neglect,negligence,antipathy,coldness,disinterestanimosity,enmity,ill will
admirationnoun great respect
affectivitynoun emotional attachment
affinitynoun liking or inclination toward something
affection,attraction,closeness,compatibility,cotton,cup of tea,druthers,fondness,good vibrations,leaning,partiality,rapport,same wavelength,simpatico,sympathy,thing,weakness
alohanoun greeting
amorousnessnoun love
appreciationnoun recognition of worth
admiration,aesthetic sense,affection,appraisal,assessment,attraction,awareness,cognizance,commendation,comprehension,enjoyment,esteem,estimation,grasp,high regard,knowledge,liking,love,perception,realization,recognition,regard,relish,respect,responsivenesss,sensibility,sensitiveness,sensitivity,sympathy,understanding,valuation And yet the most interesting thing about him is the depth of affection he inspires.
关于科尔最有趣的事他所引起的那种影响的深度。 yeeyan

And as a result, the world sees them with suspicion rather than affection.
结果就是,当世界看他们的时候,带着的是猜疑,而不是喜爱。 yeeyan

And now nothing remains for me but to assure you in the most animated language of the violence of my affection.
现在我的话已经说完,除非是再用最激动的语言把我最热烈的感情向你倾诉。 hjenglish

And while strength may be instrumental in winning respect, it has nothing to do with winning affection.
虽说强大的实力也许在赢得尊敬方面有帮助作用,但它和赢得喜爱却毫无关系。 yeeyan

But of love I know only that mixture of desire, affection, and intelligence that binds me to this or that creature.
但是说到爱情,我的理解是把我和这样或那样的生物绑在一起的欲望、情感和智慧的混合体。 yeeyan

Don't squander your affection on him, he'll never love you.
不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。 i21st

He got up a strange affection for the little girl.

He is bound by affection.

I shall always have the warmest affection for her.
对教会我一直怀有最热烈的感情。 hjenglish

I advised her to value him the more for his affection.
我劝她为了他的爱情那就更要尊重他些。 putclub

If you have love to give, and no current takers, you can get a whole lot of affection, loyalty and kindness from a new animal in your life.
如果你要寄托自己的爱,而眼下又无人承受,你完全可以从新养的动物身上体会个人生活中的种种感情,忠诚和慈爱。 yeeyan

It also accepted“ complete alienation of mutual affection” as grounds for divorce and allowed one party to ask for it, even if the other party opposed.
它还允许“感情完全破裂”作为离婚的理由,也允许一方要求离婚,即使对方的反对,也可以同意离婚。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, he showed great affection and devotion to his master.
然而,他对主人表现出深厚的感情和忠诚。 edu.sina.com.cn

Say, “ I love you, ” often. Express your affection and appreciation to friends and family.
经常说“我爱你”把你对家人和朋友的喜爱和感激表达出来。 yeeyan

Sexuality is part of being human. Love, affection and intimacy all play a role in healthy relationships from childhood through old age.
性是人类的一部分,从童年到老年,爱情、喜爱和亲密感在健康的情侣关系中都发挥着重要作用。 yeeyan

She is glad to embosom his affection.

She gathered that no great affection flowed between the blind woman and her son.
她猜想那个瞎眼的老妇人和她的儿子之间没有什么感情交流。 hjenglish

She is craving for love and affection.
她是在渴望得到爱和感情。 yeeyan

So that when he says that citizens are held together by ties of common affection he means something very specific.

The dog has transferred its affection to its new master.

The special day allows people to show their love and affection for their fathers.
这个特殊的节日可以让人们向父亲表达爱和情感。 hxen

This is because when you express affection towards someone else, they are likely to reciprocate.
这是因为当你对别人表达情感的时候,他们很可能回报你。 yeeyan

This position he held until1876, when overwork induced an affection of the brain and eyes, and he had to travel for his health.
他担任这个职位一直到1876年,这年过度的工作使得其脑部和眼睛受到严重影响,他不得不为他的健康开始旅行。 yeeyan

You appear to me, Mr. Darcy, to allow nothing for the influence of friendship and affection.
达西先生,我觉得你未免否定了友谊和感情对于一个人的影响。 kekenet




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